Thursday, December 26, 2019
Lev Vygotsky, A Russian Developmental Psychologist
Lev Vygotsky, a Russian developmental psychologist, was born in Orsha, Belarus on November 17, 1896. His primary education was provided at home by his mother and he then entered public school for his secondary education and graduated at seventeen followed by attendance at the University of Moscow. He originally chose medicine as his course of study, but switched to law. During this time he also studied humanities and psychology at Shanyavsky University.3 Upon graduating from college in 1917 he began to teach literature and philosophy as well as pursue his interest in the fine arts. 1 Soon after Vygotsky graduated, the Russian Revolution occurred and Marxism took its hold on the region.4 Vygotsky was heavily influenced by the Marxist cause†¦show more content†¦This refers to the influence having more knowledge and ability with respect to concepts and skills. †¢ Zone of Proximal Development – simply stated this is the expanse between the ability to independently solve a problem and perform the associated task and the need to do so with guidance. Because of inherent limitations of learning without an external influence, this â€Å"zone†represents the learner’s potential. The key is to challenge the learner’s ability with guidance, and gradually reduce the assistance as it becomes apparent that learning occurs. †¢ Authentic Activities – the need to mimic real life situations and activities with learning. Vygotsky’s theory is considered to be a component of the Constructivism philosophy of education which states that humans learn from experience.7,8 With this philosophy learning is considered to be an active process in which the learner â€Å"builds†knowledge based on personal experiences and social interactions.8 Several references emphasized the fact that Constructivism is not a pedagogy theory, and that the learner constructs knowledge through the exposure to a variety of pedagogical approaches.8 This philosophy was also influenced by: †¢ Jean Piaget who postulated learning occurs in four stages: 1) assimilation and accommodation with one’s environment; 2) interaction with physical environment that produces object classification;Show MoreRelatedLev Vygotsky Essay Outline835 Words  | 4 PagesLev Vygotsky was known as the creator of an original branch of psychology in the Soviet union. He is also known for writing many books on psychology. 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He believed that these incorrectRead MoreHoarding!752 Words  | 4 PagesIQ An intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess intelligence. The abbreviation IQ comes from the German term Intelligenz-Quotient, originally coined by psychologist William Stern. When modern IQ tests are devised, the mean (average) score within an age group is set to 100 and the standard deviation (SD) almost always to 15, although this was not always so historically. Thus, the intention is that approximately 95% of the populationRead MoreWgu Fht Task 11675 Words  | 7 Pagesthat are commonly known in the field of cognitive development are Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. These two theorists agree on the several concepts of cognitive development but differ on others, the most commonly agreed difference among all theorists involved in cognitive development is the simple yet complex question of how cognitive development occurs. 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While there can be variations by way of culture, class, and ability, it is difficult to contest that human nature is the driving force behind the bodily changes that take place from birth until adulthood. In contrast, when it comes to determining the ways in which a child thinks and learns, there are numerous theories on what primarily influences cognitive growthRead MoreAnalysis Of Eriksons Theory On Early Childhood Education1212 Words  | 5 Pagesthe earliest and the most indispensable virtue inherent in the state of being alive. If life is to be sustained hope must remain, even where confidence is wounded, trust impaired. - Erik Erikson Erik Erikson (1902-1994) was a Germon born developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychosocial development of human lie. He is most famous for devising the phrase â€Å"identity crisis.†Erikson was a Harvard professor although he never earned a bachelor’s degree. Erik EriksonRead MoreSociocultural Learning Affects the Development of Children Essay1491 Words  | 6 Pagesof Children Lev Vygotsky believed that children learn from their own experience. As a teacher I have grown to learn that Vygotsky’s findings are true in so many ways. Just from watching the children in my classroom I see that the Zone of Proximal Development and Scaffolding play a huge part in the development of a child. Lev Vygotsky has had increasing influence on the practices of early childhood professionals. (Morrison, 2009). The work of the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky provided theRead MoreVygotsky And Piaget s Theory Of Cognitive Development Innate Or Learned?1241 Words  | 5 PagesComparing Vygotsky and Piaget Jayne Enneking Northcentral University Comparing Vygotsky and Piaget Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Is cognitive development innate or learned? These are two age old questions that have been discusssed extensively. The purpose of this paper is to offer insight into the answer of the latter by briefly comparing and contrasting Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget’s cognitive developmental theories. Both psychologists’ theories will be outlined, as will the similaritiesRead MoreEssay Sociocultural Theory: Lev Vygotsky1112 Words  | 5 PagesLev Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist, born November 17, 1896, who had a wide range of interests that included the cognitive and language development of children. Vygotsky’s theories are somewhat incomplete due to his death at the young age of 38 from tuberculosis. Vygotsky faced many struggles in life that he was able to overcome, such as being a young Jewish boy who grew up in a time where the Russian District limited the number of Jews who were allowed to be educated at a Universit y level
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
New Zealand Native Plants By Miguel Derraik - 914 Words
Year 9 Research Task 2 – New Zealand Native Plants By Miguel Derraik 1. PLANT GROUPS There are five main plant groups (although this division is not always consistent): Thallophytes - aquatic organisms whose body is not separated into stem and leaves, have no vascular bundles and reproduce asexually 1, e.g. Neptune’s necklace (Hormosira banksii) (Figure 1) and the bull kelp (Durvillaea antarctica). Figure 1: Neptune’s necklace (Hormosira banksii) Bryophytes - is a group consisting of three divisions: hornworts, liverworts and mosses. Bryophytes do not have water conducting vessels and they need aquatic and terrestrial environments to complete their life cycle 2, e.g. the moss Beeveria and Sphagnum (Figure 2) 5. Figure 2: The moss Sphagnum Pteridophytes - The Pteridophyte is a flowerless and seedless group of plants, with well developed vascular bundles, and true plant body parts. These are known as ferns, such as the silver fern (Cyathea dealbata) (Figure 3) 1. Figure 3: Silver fern (Cyathea dealbata) Gymnosperms - a group of flowering vascular plants with ovules and seeds exposed, so that seeds are not produced in fruit and are not protected 2,3. New Zealand has many important gymnosperms such as rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum) , totara (Podocarpus totara), matai (Prumnopitys ferruginea), kauri (Agathis australis) (Figure 4) and the very tall (up to 60 m) kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) 4. Figure 4: A large kauri tree (Agathis australis) Angiosperms - a group of
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Qualities of a Good Teacher free essay sample
Teachers play a central role in the education of students. For promotion of learning teachers have to display a sense of responsibility and must be in possession of qualities of leadership that are essential for motivation of students. It falls upon the teachers to create a friendly environment in the institution free of coercion. They must teach through cooperation, facilitation, love and caring attitude and not by exercising authority, domination and giving punishments. They must try to raise the self-esteem of students. Good teachers create trust, confidence, interest, enthusiasm and hope and not fear, frustration and disappointment. They be kind and forgiving instead of being revengeful. Teachers must encourage and entertain questions as well as ask questions to stimulate minds and promote formal and informal discussions for enhancing critical thinking and achievement of in-depth understanding. They need to frequently evaluate student’s performance both formally and informally and give them prompt feedback in the form of encouragement, praise, appreciation and reward for correct performance and guidance for rectifying mistakes both meant for improvement of their performance and creation of a desire for learning. They should teach by interaction with students rather than depending on lectures alone. In this process they should identify the variety of talents that different students may possess for different desirable functions and should give them support for whatever potential they have. They should reinforce creativity and originality in students. Teachers should encourage students to help, teach and test themselves and each other as well as the weaker and the junior students. They should organize group-learning projects, contests, competitions, debates, cultural activities, entertainment and field visits to create interest in learning. Teachers must remain humble and ready to say â€Å"I don’t know†and be prepared to admit their mistakes and take a lesson from them and from the mistakes of others. They must not laugh, ridicule, humiliate, embarrass or insult any student over commission of mistakes. If promptly and politely corrected mistakes teach memorable lessons for better performance. Apart from accepting blame they should make a habit to say â€Å"we†and not â€Å"I†. They should be prepared to speak less and listen more. They should be magnanimous enough to share their credit with others and accept alone the blame for failings of students. They must share with students before making all decisions that affect students and must make an effort to share their joys and sorrows. Equally teachers should share their interests with students that will promote friendship. Teachers should have a sense of humor and be capable of creating humor. They should use different methods to break monotony and boredom i. e. by use of variety of learning resources and teaching methods, relevant jokes, quizzes, questioning and involving the inattentive, creating surprises, mysteries and suspense, referring to relevant events in day-to-day life etc. They should teach by example and act as role models instead of giving sermons. What they do has far greater power to teach than what they say. They must be able to do themselves what they expect from the students to do and be able not to do what they expect from students to abstain from. In fact teachers should put themselves in the shoes of students before asking them to do or not to do anything. They should be sensitive to the needs and feelings of students. They should speak the language of the students when needed and should relate to their level of mental and physical abilities. According to William Glasser’s Choice Theory, teachers must promote the basic needs of students to convince them that they are the well wishers of students and in return students will listen to them. These basic needs are the requirements of survival, love and affection, freedom, leisure, entertainment and empowerment. This means that in addition to academic issues teachers must take keen interest and help students in their social and economic matters and participate in their extracurricular activities. Teachers should delegate more and more to students and refrain from doing every thing themselves. In this way, apart from empowering students, they also give them a chance to learn by doing. Instead of passing knowledge to students they should be made to create knowledge to give them a sense of ownership of what they learn. Good teachers must resolve disputes through the policy of give and take and make all the effort to defuse tension and ensure cohesion and friendship among students. They should set a side time for listening to problems of students. They should honor their pledges, be consistent in their responses, dependable and reliable. They should be flexible and not rigid to meet the changing circumstances and diversity of situations. They should always be ready for the unexpected and must exercise utmost patience and tolerance in dealing with students. Great teachers never lose temper and refrain from acting when upset. In difficult situations they should happily get the input of colleagues, parents and all the well-wishers of students. Teachers must treat all students equal, serve them selflessly with devotion and expect no returns from students. Teachers are regarded as spiritual fathers and mothers to students who are expected to act as guides and mentors. They must show courtesy, love, compassion and respect to their students that is bound to generate a similar response. Teachers must take part in continuing education to update their own knowledge, skills and attitudes, come prepared to classes and should strive to develop learning resources for students. Lastly they must ensure their integrity, punctuality and physical and mental cleanliness at all costs. Teachers possessing these qualities will be highly respected and loved by the students and will create an ideal environment for learning in educational institutions. The developing nations must be ready to pay any price for such teachers who will groom their children into knowledgeable, skillful, productive and enlightened personalities of character.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Concept of Justice free essay sample
This paper examines a dialogue between Socrates and Antigone about the concept of justice. This paper is a creative dialogue between Antigone and Socrates about the ramifications of going against the rulings of the King in order to see justice served. The paper includes the discussion of the actual act that has led to Antigones condemnation, the concept of a higher form of justice and an evaluation of whether the punishment fits the crime. In the end, Socrates left Antigone at the gates of the republic, knowing that he would never see her again she would die for her crimes against the State. But Socrates was inspired by her words and felt that should he ever suffer a similar fate for somehow challenging the State, he would not back down, nor run away, from his duty to virtue, to free speech, and the highest laws of Justice, regardless of the fate that might await him. We will write a custom essay sample on The Concept of Justice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Ames Test Essays
Ames Test Essays Ames Test Paper Ames Test Paper The Spot-Overlay Ames Test was used in the lab to find the mutagenesis of Diet Coke and ThermaFlu. Along with these substances three mutant strains of salmonella were also tested. TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538 all lacked the ability to grow the amino acid histidine unless reverted back by the potential mutagens. After the first week of testing, results showed that both of the potential mutagens, Diet Coke and ThermaFlu were in fact mutagenic. This was established if colonial growth was at least twice as much as that of the negative control. For the continuation of the experiment, Diet Coke and the TA 1535 strain of S. hyphimurium were chosen to continue experimentation for the second week. Testing commenced once both substances had been mixed into six new DMA plates. The purpose of this experiment was to see if different amounts of Diet Coke would increase colony growth. Results for this week showed that at 100ul of Diet Coke, colony growth was at its peak, but as the concentration of Diet Coke kept increasing, colony growth stopped. In conclusion, the potential mutagens tested in the lab proved to be mutagenic, and as the concentration of the mutagen was increased, colony growth would follow until it leveled off. INTRODUCTION The use of the Ames test is based on the assumption that any substance that is mutagenic may also turn out to be a carcinogen, which causes cancer. â€Å"Salmonella / microsome test is the most popular of the bacterial test system. It detects mutagenic substances via their ability to revert histidine auxotrophs of S. typhimurium to wild-type. †(Ames et al. , 1973 ; Maron and Ames, 1983; Hofnung and Qullardet, 1986) The trials that will be held in this lab will be tested under the Spot-Overlay Ames Test. It is a widely used technique for screening potential carcinogens by testing for mutagenesis of bacteria. It relies on the observation that the most common cause of cancer is somatic mutations brought about by DNA damage. It was first developed by Dr. Bruce Ames in 1971, and gave researchers a faster and less expensive way to get results. â€Å"This assay uses a set of histidine-requiring strains of the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium to detect mutations induced by a test agent. †(Bassi, Lopez, L. C. , Moretton, J. ). The bacteria used in the experimentation were three mutant strains of S. typhimurium that carry a defective mutant gene making them unable to ynthesize the amino acid histidine. The TA 1535 strain had a base substitution that produced a missense mutation in the gene coding for the first enzyme of histidine synthesis. The second strain, TA 1537, displayed a frameshift mutation where one nucleotide was deleted. The third and last strain, TA 1538, had a frameshift mutation where one nucleotide was inserted. (Gabor, C. R. , Pesthy, C. ). These strains also have cell wa lls containing defective lipopolysaccharide layers, which allow chemicals to seep into the cells easily. Gabor, C. R. , Pesthy, C. ) None of the three strains of salmonella are able to produce histidine, an amino acid essential for the bacterium to grow if not provided externally. But, some types of mutations can be reversed, a back mutation, with the gene regaining its function. These revertants are able to grow on a medium lacking histidine. To start off an Ames test, an assay is carried out using strains of bacteria, such as Escherichia coli or Salmonella that already have a single mutation that cannot produce histidine. The experimental cultures are exposed to the agent to be tested while the positive control cultures are exposed to a known mutagen to confirm that there has been no contamination of the strain. If the mutation screened for has in fact occurred, dense spots in the colonies will form. â€Å"Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) formed during heating (broiling, frying or grilling) of various proteinaceous foods such as meats and fishes are well known as potent mutagens in the Ames/Salmonella assay. (Felton Knize 1991; Eisenbrand Tang 1993; Stavric 1994) This experiment demonstrates the positive associations between higher consumption of well-done red meat and risk of colon cancer (Probst-Hensch et al. 1997; Sihna et al. 1999 and 2001), breast cancer (Zheng et al. 1998 Sihna et al. 2000) lung cancer (Sihna et al. 1998) and gastric cancer Ward et al. 1997; De Stefani et al. 1998) Similarily, in this paper, we investigated the presence of Salmonella and common mutagens such as Diet Coke, and Therm aFlu to see which of the strains of salmonella used in lab could possibly revert the bacteria back into its wild-type. One hypothesis was that the potential mutagens, Diet Coke and ThermaFlu, were in fact mutagens. With that in mind, the reason for carrying on this experiment was to test and see if our hypothesis was correct. As the experimentation proceeded, data showed that Diet Coke was the best potential mutagen, and was chosen to continue testing. With this substance being the focal point of the second experiment, the goal was to test different amounts of Diet Coke with the TA 1535 strain of S. typhimurium. Hypothesis was that as the concentration of Diet Coke was increased, colony growth would raise as well. Besides testing all of the substances, the experimentation would help build a better understanding of how and why it is that the bacterium Salmonella converts back into its wild-type, and how it is that amino acids carry out this job. MATERIALS METHODS To commence the experimentation for the first week, some of the materials that will be needed are the two potential mutagens, Diet Coke (100% concentration), and ThermaFlu (100% concentration), as well as Sodium Azide and the three strains of S. typhimurium TA 1535, TA 1537 and TA 1538. Secondly, these substances shall be placed into a DMA plate containing 1mL of agar mixed with histidine. The DMA plates have a limited amount of nutrients so when salmonella is reverted back into its wild type strain there won’t be a lot of excess growth. The plates should be kept upside down till the experimentation is ready to begin in order to keep the moisture from fogging up the entire plate. The DMA plate should be divided and labeled into four sections, pie-shaped, with the name that corresponds to each chemical being tested. The tubes containing the soft agar are to be held in a water bath of 55 degrees Celsius to keep them liquified. Table 1. shows the amounts of substances placed into each overlay tube. Table 1. Represents the amounts and volumes of each substance mixed into an overlay tube for the first week. Section 1Section 2Section 3Section 4 Chemical:N/aSodium AzideDiet CokeTherma Flu Chemical (ul)N/a202020 Salmonella typhimurium (ul)100100100100 DMA Overlay (ml)1111 After the correct amounts of the substances are mixed, 50 ul of each mixture is to be placed into the corresponding sections of the DMA plate, creating an aliquot, or puddle. The plates should then be placed into in a 37-degree Celsius incubator for 72 hours. Once the incubation time is complete, the lates should be observed and bacterial growth should be recorded. Any growth happening in the negative control will be spontaneous, and should be minimal. The potential mutagens will be considered mutagens if they have double as much growth as the negative control. On the other hand, the positive control should, and will have the most growth because that is a guaranteed true mutagen. Once the results for the first week have been obtained, they will show whether or not the potential mutagens were in fact mutagenic. After the data has been collected, the best potential mutagen should be tested to see if more growth would happen. In this lab’s case, different amounts of Diet Coke were tested with the TA 1535 strain of salmonella. Strain TA 1535 was used because it showed the best results and clear amounts of bacterial growth from the first week’s experiment. To carry on testing for the second week, new DMA plates would be needed to cultivate the bacteria with Diet Coke. Table 2. shows the amounts of substances placed into the overlay tubes. The different amounts of Diet Coke, agar, and TA 1535 strain were mixed in the overlay tube before all of the substance was poured onto the DMA plate. The DMA plates were then placed into the incubator for 72 hours at 37 degrees Celsius. Table 2. Represents the amounts and volumes that were placed into the overlay tubes for the second week of experimentation. DMA Plate123456 ChemicalNegative ControlPositive ControlDiet CokeDiet CokeDiet CokeDiet Coke Chemical Amount (ul)05050100250500 TA 1535 (ul)250250250250250250 DMA mix (ml)555555 RESULTS Table 3. Shows the amount of colonies (bacteria) grown in the DMA plates for the first week. Salmonella StrainNegative ControlPositive ControlThermaFluDiet Coke 153512 32 TMTC0 840 13 1537TMTC TMTCTMTC TMTCTMTC TMTCTMTC TMTC 1538192 85148 475 1001 224 As the potential mutagens were left to grow in the Petri dishes over a span of 3 days, results showed that the potential mutagens, Diet Coke and Thermaflu, did in fact turn out to be mutagenic. This was determined by looking at the growth of bacterial colonies. If the potential mutagens had more than twice the growth than the negative control then they would be considered mutagenic The results shown in Table 3. represent the number of colonial growth for each substance for the first week. In strain TA 1535 ThermaFlu had more than twice the growth of colonies than the negative control. For another group dealing with the same strain of Salmonella, ThermaFlu did not have any bacterial growth. In the same strain, Diet Coke had more than double the growth of the negative control for both groups. Next, the bacterial strain TA 1537 had â€Å"TMTC†for each potential mutagen. â€Å"TMTC†simply meant there was too many to count. Lastly, both potential mutagens did not have more than double the growth of the negative control in the bacterial strain 1538. The one exception was the number of colonial growth for one group testing Diet Coke. This was the only time where growth surpassed that of the negative control under this strain. Table 4. Represents the amount of colonial growth in the DMA plates with the different amounts of Diet Coke for the second week. DMA PlatesNegative ControlPositive ControlDiet Coke (50 ul)Diet Coke (100 ul)Diet Coke (250 ul)Diet Coke (500 ul) Number of Colonies 1 14 6 100 1 1 Table 4. represents the colony growth of the different levels of Diet Coke and the strain TA 1535 used in the second week of the experiment. In particular, the DMA plate containing 100ul of Diet Coke had the most number of colonial growth compared to the rest of the amounts, as well as the positive and negative controls. Finally, the DMA plates containing the most amount of Diet Coke had the same amount of colonial growth as the negative control. At these volumes of Diet Coke colonial growth came to a plateau. Graph 1. Colonial Growth vs. Concentrations of Diet Coke In graph 1. the amount of S. typhimurium colonies grown under each concentration of Diet Coke are represented by the dots on the line. DISCUSSION As the results showed, Diet Coke and ThermaFlu proved to be mutagenic based on data collected from the first weeks experiment. After this experimentation, strain TA 1535 was chosen to continue further testing on one of the potential mutagens. This particular strain of the bacteria was chosen because it was the only strain that showed precise amounts of colonial growth for the given substances. While TA 1535 showed accurate amounts of bacterial growth, table 3 shows that the bacteria strain TA 1537 had â€Å"TMTC†which means, too many to count. Moreover, this strain of salmonella could be said to have reverted back into the wild-type strain quite fast. A possible reason this strain showed â€Å"TMTC†for colony growth was because it was left in the incubator for an extra day. It could have been possible to use this strain if the DMA plates were left in the incubator for the correct amount of time. Next, when it comes to the salmonella bacteria strain 1538, Diet Coke was tested to be a bigger mutagen with more visible colonies than all other strains. ThermaFlu did not prove to be quite as effective when it came to reverting the bacteria back into its wild-type. However, a lot of the data collected from the colonial growth didn’t make sense, so that automatically voided that strain. Again, both of the potential mutagens, Diet Coke and ThermaFlu, tested to be actual mutagens. These results came in agreement with the first hypothesis because both substances showed more than twice the amount of colony growth as the negative control. In the first experiment sections that were cultivating Diet Coke showed more than twice the growth of than the sections with the negative control in 75% of all DMA plates. This information was gathered by table 3. In the same way, ThermaFlu was detected to also be a mutagen because it too, had double or more the amount of colony growth than the negative control. An exception to this would be in TA strain 1537 where ThermaFlu had â€Å"TMTC. †In continuation with the experimentation, it was also hypothesized that if the concentrations of the potential mutagens were increased, colony growth would raise as well. Results from the second week also showed that this hypothesis was correct. In detail, the TA 1535 strain and Diet Coke were mixed together showing that colony growth steadily increased as the concentration of Diet Coke did, and then came to a steady plateau. One reason for this could be because the bacterium strain might have been affected by the high levels of aspartame found in Diet Coke. Some of the problems encountered throughout both weeks of the experiment were air bubbles when pipetting, and pouring the substances onto the DMA plates. This might have led to contamination of the chemicals from pollutants in the air. A solution to this particular problem is to carefully watch where the substance is being poured onto, and to get it done fast and effectively. Covering the DMA plates in a quick timely manner will also eliminate the chances of contamination. Another problem encountered was the excessive growth of colonies in the TA 1537 strain of salmonella. This led to an unclear measure of colonies and inaccurate data. This was mainly due to the fact that the DMA plates were left in the incubator for an extra day. Nonetheless, if the DMA plates would have been incubated for the actual correct span of time, the results could have been usable. An issue that was specifically encountered in the second experiment was the death of bacterium strains due to the large concentrations of aspartame. A way to fix this problem could have been by increasing the amount of Diet Coke in smaller increments, and showing the effect on colony growth with low concentration levels as well. In regards to future experimentation, different strains of Salmonella typhimurium could be used to get a more varied amount of statistics. Also, Diet Coke could have been studied in a more careful manner that might have shown other factors that contribute to the growth of salmonella. RESULTS 1. H. Kataoka, S. Nishioka, M. Kobayashi, T. Hanaoka, S. Tsugane.  © 2002 Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Analysis of Mutagenic Heterocyclic Amines in Cooked Food Samples by Gas Chromatography with Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector. 2. E. O ksu zog lu, N. Diril, M. Durusoy.  © 2000 Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Mutagenic Effects of Plant Growth Hormones with the Salmonella/Microsome Test and the SOS Chromotest. 3. L. C. Lopez, M. D. Bassi, J. Moretton.  © 1999 Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Influence of River Water in the Detection of Cr(VI) Mutagenicity by the Ames Test.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
When Family Isnt Supportive
When Family Isnt Supportive I received a heart-breaking Facebook message from a 15-year-old young man who asked me how to get his writing accepted. When I explained about polishing his words, agents, publishers, indie and the like, he replied: For me, I come from an unsupportive family that doesnt take writing as a talent or a valuable art. How can I practice in such conditions? My husband supports me unconditionally, often following me to my appearances. One son out of town reads my work and gives honest feedback. My sister-in-law in Iowa reads every book within days of release. Other than that, nobody else in my family has read my novels much, and definitely havent read any articles, blogs or other items Ive published. While I thank my lucky stars for the three people I have, I know how that stings when family doesnt care. I told the young man this: At your age, its a matter of being well-read first and foremost, then attempting to write stories from what youve absorbed via those good authors. They are your family right now. You are young. You will be an adult in good time and be able to do what you wish, when you like, but in the meantime, read with a writers eye, seeing what makes for a grand story, great character, and snappy dialogue. Write as you can. And know that successful authors everywhere are in your corner. When family doesnt believe in your writing, you do the following: 1) Join a writers group. Use it like a support group. 2) Read with a writers eye. Nobody puts down reading. 3) Write when you can: lunches, night, early mornings, outside, riding in the car, or while everyone else is watching TV. 4) Relate your interest in writing to your family members interest in something else. I once used my teenagers interest in playing hockey. Ask them how much time and money they invest in their sports, hunting, cars, video games, etc. 5) Carve out time and call it yours. It doesnt have to be called writing time, but you use it as such. Just make sure you capitalize on it and write instead of doing other non-productive things. 6) Refuse to feel guilty about a beloved hob 7) Display how much writing makes you whole . . . and happier. If you act grumpy, you accentuate their opinion. 8) Ask them when theyll give up reading, watching television, going to movies, listening to music, playing online games, because a writer allowed all of those entertainment opportunities to happen. 9) When someone asks when youll do something other than that writing stuff, tell them you adore what you do. Eighty percent of the world hates their job, and you arent one of them.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Accounting Writing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Accounting Writing Assignment - Essay Example The global comparable sales of the company increased by 5% and its earnings per shared by 11% (Annual Report: McDonald’s, 2010). The net income of the company in 2010 was $4,946 billion. Its net income increased by 8.67% in comparison with 2009. The net margin of the company was 20.60%. The earnings per share of the company in 2010 was $4.64, while its dividend per share was $2.26. The total assets and total equity of McDonald’s as of December 31, 2010 were $31,975 million and $14,634 million respectively. The total liabilities of the company in 2010 were $17,341 million. The current assets of the company were $4,368 million, while its current liabilities were $2,924 million. The current ratio of McDonald’s in 2010 was 1.49. The current ratio measures the ability of a company to pay off its short term debts. A current ratio is good if is above 1.0. The current ratio of McDonalds is excellent. The return on assets (ROA) of McDonald’s in 2010 was 15.46%. The annual report contained a management report and discussion segment. This section was very information and showed the perspective of the management and the strategic approach of the executive management team. The organization has 32,737 stores across 117 countries. Only 6,399 stores are operated by the company, the rest are independent franchises. The company earns a healthy 12% royalty fee on all sales of its franchisees as well as a 4% marketing fee. â€Å"The United States, Europe, and APMEA segments account for 34%, 40%, and 21% of total revenues respectively†(Annual Report: McDonald’s). In Europe the hottest markets for McDonald’s are the United Kingdom, France, and Germany which for more than half the firm’s sales in Europe. International expansion has been very critical for the growth and success of the company. The United States fast food marketplace in its maturity stage and it is very saturated. The Sarbanes and Oxley Act of 2002 created a law that mandated
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Influence Technique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Influence Technique - Essay Example I had my chance to apply the persuasion technique once when I worked part-time as a life planner. A life planner ( commonly known as an insurance salesman) is not an easy job. The rewards are great but a person must be equipped with good persuasive skills to become successful in this field. During the training, we were equipped with all the information we needed to educate potential clients; however, the real experience presents a lot of surprises for a rookie. Before graduating from the training, we must pass a role-playing with a very critical customer. This means I must be able to handle all the rejections carefully and convert them into neutral statements. The main point of the test is to sell the concept of life insurance and sell our services to the person. The person I was trying to influence is a married man who comes from a middle-class family. He is knows the value of life insurance but does not know much about our company. The strategy employed. The strategy I used was rec iprocity for a number of reasons. First, it is our first time to meet so there is no interpersonal relationship yet. Rather, both parties were using mutual trust on the assumption that we’re both professionals. Also, I have something to offer that can provide long term benefits for the person.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Maydavian Online Reservation and Booking System Essay Example for Free
Maydavian Online Reservation and Booking System Essay Maydavian has been founded as a resort in the beautiful island of Palawan. With the exertion of Ms. Marrieta S. Mayor, the capital of this unspoiled island, and a memorable journey of about two hours by bus or shuttle taking you through a zigzag in the mountains and with breathtaking views of mountain ranges and unspoiled forests. An oasis of hospitality awaits you at Maydavian, with spectacular views of the Sulu Sea. Ideally located in a coconut plantation with modern facilities in harmony with the serene and soothing atmosphere. Maydavian Resort establish on 2000. The establishment started with just a small canteen, 6 rooms and small dinning cottages. After a few months, reception hall, VIP rooms and Standards rooms were built. A swimming pool was formally open to the public. Maydavian Resort has a total land area of eighteen hectares located at Brgy. Caguisan Narra, Palawan. The guest who visited Maydavian loved enjoyed a walkway through century mangroves, clear Sky and myriad of stars and delicious food serves for the most discerning of pallets comprising both Filipino and western specialties. Presently, Maydavian offers plenty of facilities and services. There are the Restaurant and Bar, the Maydavian Pavillion. One of the venues for wedding and birthday parties, island Park intended for playful kids and weather favors the park also serve as venue for children party and garden wedding reception for sports minded guest, there is a room venue for billiards and many more that had contributed to the overall success of this more than a decade old establishment. The continuous growth of the world their exist the modern and a high-tech way of living due to the reason of unsatisfied and consciousness of humans by discovering and searching for more effective way of living such as computer- is a device that computes, especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high speed mathematical or logical operations that can assembles, store, correlates and otherwise process information. Dealing with the triumphant advancement, internet is a network of almost transaction system through this transaction system must gather sort of information for online services. Website is related collection of web files that includes an initial called a homepage it is essential in an organization to establish a tourist spot in the province of Palawan adopting reliable reviewing like a website to provide a complex transaction system through on line services. This system is entitled â€Å"Maydavian Resort Online Reservation and Booking System†.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Reconstruction :: essays research papers fc
The Civil War was the bloodiest war to be fought on American soil. Although both sides expected the conflict to be over in a matter of days, it lasted four tumultuous years, from 1861-1865. The war pitted brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor. The period of Reconstruction, the time when our nation attempted to mend its broken relations with the South and rebuild after the destructive war, lasted until 1877. What many people don’t know is that the original intent of the Civil War was to preserve the Union. Many factors went into Lincoln’s decision to also address slavery through this war. For one, the number of men enlisting in the war was dwindling, and it became apparent that black manpower would be absolutely necessary to win the war. Also, the increasingly upset Radical Republicans and abolitionists let their opinions be known and persuaded the citizens of the North that the war could not be won without attacking the issue of slavery. Finally, Lincoln believed that transforming the dispute from a conflict to preserve the Union to a crusade against slavery would dissuade the threatening British and French from supporting the Confederacy. With its new stated purpose, the Civil War would now have huge societal repercussions. The largest and most complex issue of Reconstruction was how to go about admitting the Confederate states back into the Union. President Lincoln’s plans were quite lenient, accepting the seceded states back into the Union even if by vote only a minority of a state’s white males took an oath of loyalty to the United States. However, John Wilkes Booth assassinated him before any of his plans could go into action. His replacement, vice president Andrew Johnson, a democrat, was left in a difficult predicament. Public opinion at the time favored that the South should face some sort of retribution for their past acts, and promise loyalty for the future before they were to be pardoned. At the time, many Northerners were Republicans; Southerners were largely democratic. The biggest supporters of an extreme Reconstruction process were the Radicals. Many of them argued that the confederate states had lost their constitutional identity; however the Republicans would only go so far as to say that by seceding the southerners had forfeited their rights. They were to be kept out of the Union until they had demonstrated a proper spirit of repentance. Radicals convinced enough moderate Republicans of this that Congress passed the Wade-Davis bill, which postponed Reconstruction until a majority of a state’s white males (not just 10%) took an oath of loyalty.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Kellogg’s Marketing Essay
Introduction: U.S based Kellogg’s is a world leader and the most successful cereal manufacturer in the world. Kellogg’s entered India in 1994 and it took them a good 15 years for stability in the Indian markets facing initial problems and trying to change the Indian consumer’s mentality about the morning breakfast About the assignment: (Refer Appendix 1) Growth strategy by Kellogg’s in India: Kellogg’s were successful to create a need for the product which was never a necessity for an Indian household. We will now discuss how the company managed to establish themselves with a dominant market share in the Indian market. 1.) Ansoff Matrix Ansoff Matrix was introduced to address the corporate strategy of the future. It delivers the perspective of growth options on the horizontal level and introduces the possibility of diversification. (Kotler, Berger & Bickhoff, 2010) Market Development: Market Development is capturing new markets with your existing products or services. (Lester, 2009) In a new market or to a new consumer, it will be a quiet a task to have them to believe in your product on launching (Meldrum, M & McDonald, M., 2007) especially, when a country is so fond of their traditional recipes. With the help of extensive market research Kellogg’s found out that there was no breakfast cereal trend in the Indian market. Hence they launched their flagship product ‘Cornflakes’. This was always going to be tricky as Indians love their hot breakfast. Kellogg’s had a challenge to turn the mindsets of the Indian consumers who traditionally were used to having hot breakfast in the morning. Ready-to-eat breakfast or food was nonexistent. Kellogg’s via their advertising campaign did also educate the Indian consumers about the calorie and nutritional contents, etc. Company also struggled with their introductory pricings as their competitor ‘Mohan Meakin’ sold at a reasonable price. Although, Kellogg’s had a safe and attractive packaging but was considered as high. We assume that the market for Kellogg’s in the U.S and U.K was saturated and hence they decided to enter India. (Haig, 2003) Product Development: Companies develop new products or upgraded products for an existing market. It also includes thinking on how the new products can satisfy customer needs and outperform the rivals. Following the corn flakes the company launched chocolate covered flakes, named as Chocos and to go with it flavours such as coconut and mango. The product which saw the company sales rise up by 17% was the ‘Iron Shakti’ which contained iron and was designed to address the iron deficiency in the Indian kids as most of the population ass had no proper breakfast apart from milk, tea & biscuits, etc. Iron Shakti was their first major success which helped them capitalise eventually. Kellogg’s tried its hand in producing biscuits which apparently didn’t work due to a very tough competition it faced from Parle-G and Britannia biscuits. Kellogg’s other product ‘Cheez-It’, launched in 2002 and was withdrawn in 2003 didn’t garner any attention either. (Refer to Appendix 2) (Excerpts from the case study, page 5) Market Penetration: It’s well known growth strategy where the company concentrates on selling existing products into existing markets. (O’Shaughnessy, 1995) Kellogg’s with their intelligent research team did find out that the cereals were actually consumed by the entire family and also for health/diet conscious women so they launched a different variant of the cornflake known as ‘Special K’ under weight management. With this product (Special K), Kellogg’s challenged the consumers to lose 2.5 kgs in just two weeks. To encourage the household adults to consume, they produced adverts with adults featuring in it. (Excerpts from the case study 6 & 7) Market penetration increases or helps maintain the market share of the current products with advertising, sales promotions and personal selling. The Special K and the Iron Shakti just did that for Kellogg’s; they kept educating their consumers via adverts, campaigns and attractive and informative packaging which later paid off with good market share on these products. Product/Market Diversification: A process which defines the activities of firms to enter new product market combinations. It is of primary interest to the researchers. (Klier, 2008) To improve the market capitalisation of the company, Kellogg’s introduced ‘Cheese-It’ a baked cheese snack crackers in the snacks category. It was launched in 3 flavours to suit the Indian tastes. And along with the snacks, the company introduced biscuits, as Kellogg’s Choco Biscuits. The move to launch snacks and biscuits backfired and resulted in withdrawal of the products in a very short time. The Indian biscuits industry has been dominated by Parle-G and Britannia for a very long time now. It was an up heel task for the Kellogg’s but they were confident as people started to recognise Kellogg’s as a good quality brand. With the launching of the snacks and the biscuits Kellogg’s wanted to reach out to the masses and redefine them as a convenience food market. Kellogg’s made a major announcement that they are ready to acquire salty snack maker ‘Pringles’ from Proctor & Gamble. This deal marks the entry of Kellogg’s into salty snacks, an important add-on to their portfolio with convenience foods and the successful breakfast cereals. (Excerpts from case study, page 7) 2.) Kellogg’s India in regards with the 4P’s of Marketing: According to Borden, 1964, the marketing mix included product planning, pricing, branding, distribution channels, personal selling, advertising, promotions, packaging display, servicing, physical handling, fact finding & analysis. All the above factors were later grouped into 4 categories now known as 4P’s of Marketing.Ãâ€"218.jpg&w=300&h=218&ei=Rf-9T4X_EsXk8QP4lfUp&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=571&vpy=178&dur=224&hovh=152&hovw=209&tx=73&ty=46&sig=116673603394737623265&page=2&tbnh=139&tbnw=191&start=20&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:21,s:20,i:162 Product: As a tangible product, it was important for the product to be appealing for its content and its price too. Kellogg’s launched their flagship product to start with, Cornflakes which was a success in the western market. Cornflakes which initially failed, were later back in the market with some modifications then called as ‘indianization’. The flakes were a bit thick and were sweetened to suit the Indian palette. The increase in the awareness of the products via advertising resulted into the expansion in the market and health benefit of the products was the main reason for the fast driving sales. The ‘Iron Shakti’ gave the Kellogg’s taste of success with 17% rise in the sales, was designed to cater the iron deficiency in the growing kids. In order to redefine themselves as a convenience company and to pace their growth Kellogg’s introduced Cheez-It and Kellogg’s biscuits; unfortunately it did not share a liking amongst the Indian con sumers and was later scrapped from production. Kellogg’s then only decided to concentrate on cereals and its development. (Excerpts from the case study, page 5 & 6) Price: Pricing is an important marketing mix tool for both creating and capturing customer value. (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). Initially, Kellogg’s only focused on the quality of the product, features and benefit to the Indian consumers. India is a country with majority of population as middle class; the Indian public has been always price sensitive. Kellogg’s launched ‘KPak’, a very reasonably priced product at only INR 10 in 2007, a variant of the Chocos, an ideal option to chips and other junk foods. In 2010, Kellogg’s rolled our retail packs of different sizes & prices to cater the need of variety of consumers. After the launch with effective advertising, the company saw rise in the sales but that was just the curiosity of the Indian consumer to buy a new product. Baring in mind that the competitor Mohan Meakin reasonably priced their cereals and the situation (initial failure of Cornflakes), Kellogg’s priced their future products reasonably Place: The products were only available in the metro cities when it was initially launched in 1994. Then as a premium product it was only placed in the supermarkets and due its pricing clientele expected was the higher middle class or elite. Eventually, when the product became popular and after the launch of KPak which was priced at INR 10, Kellogg’s tried to reach out to the Tier 1 & Tier 2 towns in the country. (Excerpts from case study, page 8) Promotion: Kellogg’s were quiet effective on the promotional front. They always had attractive adverts on the telly usually featuring kids and the adverts featuring at the prime time soaps. As mentioned earlier, Kellogg’s had a Bollywood celebrity to endorse their products for adults. A celebrity is like an eye-kandy who attains the attention of the consumers which helps in creating awareness about the brand. In regards with personal selling, newspapers adverts were given and special weekend adverts were posted in weekend newspapers or in the kids section of the newspapers to attract the attention of the kids. Kellogg’s did a special promotion whilst sponsoring Spiderman 2 movie; they rolled out specially packed limited edition ‘spider web’ cereals and gave away relevant toys. The promotion was only available for 2 weeks and extensive advertising was done. Along with the pack, the buyer can also avail 20% discounts on the upcoming Spiderman 2 DVD. Porters Generic Strategies: Michael Porter has identified the four strategies to achieve a competitive advantage: 1.) Cost leadership 2.) Differentiation 3.) Focus Strategy – i) Differentiation ii) Cost. The Differentiation strategy is more relevant for the Kellogg’s, in accordance with case study. A Differentiation strategy calls for the development of a product or services that are both unique and are valued by the customers. A Differentiation strategy is also the one in which a product offering is different from that of one or more competitors. (Aaker, 2001) Kellogg’s started in India with their flagship product ‘Cornflakes’ with 3 variants. Unlike their competitor, Kellogg’s cornflakes were premium priced with an attractive packaging. With cornflakes initially failing due to sogginess after adding milk and less sweet flakes, Kellogg’s was quick to do amendments to suit to the local taste buds. Kellogg’s with their effective advertising campaign and communication via packaging spread awareness about the product and its benefits. Kellogg’s always believed in advertising and promotions, as it’s the most important medium to reach the target market and spreading brand awareness in India and endorsing the product with a celebrity is adding value to its which the Kellogg’s rival never did. Major Challenges faced by Kellogg’s Even if Kellogg’s was a world leader in breakfast cereals with reports of profits in the western countries they did struggle for a while on their arrival in India. Kellogg’s were smart enough to apply proper strategies to tackle the issues they had. I have analysed their issues with some theories below: 1.) SWOT Analysis The use of SWOT Analysis allows organizations to maximize their strengths, minimize their weakness, take advantage of their opportunities and overcome their weaknesses. (Fine, 2009) Strength: Kellogg’s main strength was the product. Although they misread the market at first in regards with the product and price, they were quick to make changes and jump back. They had the advantage of first foreign cereal company to serve in the raw market India. Over the years, the best thing that Kellogg’s did was they carried extensive market research. They read the market accurately and offered quality products on a regular basis at a reasonable price. The other major factor was they were selling variety of healthy products whilst creating awareness about the products amongst the consumers. (Refer to Appendix 3) P.E.S.T.L.E (Refer to Appendix 4) With the help of the Porters 5 forces we can evaluate the 5 major challenges faced by Kellogg’s in India.,r:7,s:0,i:86 With evaluation of the opportunities and threats through the SWOT analysis, The porters five forces model will give us an overview of the challenges Kellogg would face. The five major forces lead to assessment of the overall competitive dynamics of an Industry. ( Colley 2007 ) 1. Threat of new entrants: There are a lot of Domestic Companies from India like Hindustan Liver Ltd, Dabur India Ltd which may diversify and enter the Cornflakes Market which will threaten Kellogg’s position as they have an expertise in the food processing business . Also, with the Supermarket trend starting in India, there is a prospective entry of their own brands which are more reasonably priced on the market .This will make it necessary for Kellogg to come up with products with traditional Indian flavours to be able to gain competitive advantage over the domestic competitors like adding saffron or cinnamon flavour to their products. 2. Threat of substitute products or services Kellogg is a product in which many variations are not possible. The Indian breakfast items list from a wide range of foods with different tastes and flavours. The introduction of ready to eat breakfast items from Manufacturers like Haldirams and Gits pose a huge threat to Kellogg . The Company is recommended to diversify their product portfolio. 3. Bargaining power of Buyers The bargaining of power of an Indian consumer is very high due to a wide range of available products in the market. In case of slight fluctuations on the price, the customers may opt for other products in the market which are more reasonably priced as the buyer is price sensitive .This makes it ideal for Kellogg to price their product in accordance to the competition. 4. Bargaining power of Suppliers The company imports most of the raw materials required for manufacturing. If it purchases these materials via domestic suppliers, it would prove to be cost efficient, save time and also save the exercise duty taxes. 5. Intensity of rivalry among competitors With introduction of wheat flakes, extra muesli as its high fibre breakfast cereals, Kellogg is also in process of creating alternatives with different flavours in order to compete with its Rivals such as ITC , PepsiCo and Nestle . In 2006 the largest snack company in the country , Frito Lay , a division of PepsiCo India Holdings , had also , had also entered the breakfast cereal market . Conclusion The assignment has given me an opportunity to understand the marketing implications of a product launched in a foreign nation with a diverse culture and also the challenges faced in order to have an established competitive advantage on foreign soil. It gives an insight of how marketing can help reach out new markets and also create new markets for products which were never a necessity .Also the use of various marketing concepts like Porters five forces and Ansoff matrix have helped in a critical evaluation of current marketing situation and various forces that affect the performance of Kellogg . Bibliography: Books: Philip Kotler, Roland Berger & Nils Bickhoff, The Quintessence of strategic marketing, 2010, page 210 David Aaker, Strategic Market Management, 6th edition, page 159 Andrew Lester, Growth Management: Two hats are better than one, 2009, page 52 John O’Shaughnessy, Competitive Marketing: A Strategic Approach, 4th edition, 2008, page 175 Daniel O. Klier, Managing Diversified Portfolios, 2008, page 76 Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, 2011 Lawrence G Fine, The SWOT Analysis, 2009 Websites:
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Compare & Contrast Woodchucks and Traveling Through the Dark Essay
Max Kumin’s , â€Å"Woodchucks†provides an interesting and creative perspective Into the mind state of those influenced by Nazi warfare. What begins as a seemingly Humorous cat and mouse hunt, soon develops into an insatiable lust for blood. However, â€Å" Traveling through the Dark†by William Stafford, presents an innocent soul lost by the unawareness of man and the death of an unborn innocent. Both Kumin’s and Stafford’s descriptive language and overall theme provides the reader with the insight necessary to understand to the speaker’s psychology as they are driven beyond the boundaries of pacifism and genocide. The poem â€Å"Woodchucks†indeed has a rhyme scheme, yet doesn’t conform to conventional forms of rhyme , each stanza seems to follow the order of A, B, C, A, C, B, which may not be apparent to the reader at first, but doesn’t hinder the poem’s effectiveness. The first stanza begins with the speaker describing their failed attempt at eliminating the pests. The first attempt was described as merciful: â€Å"The Knockout bomb bone†. However, the following lines offer a bit of humor to the chase as it seems the woodchuck has outsmarted the speaker as a result of their overconfidence: â€Å"and the case we had against them was airtight, both exits shoehorned shut with puddingstone, but they had a sub-sub-basement out of range†. This first stanza sets the stage for what would appear to be a humorous battle of wit’s between the speaker and the woodchucks. While in â€Å" Traveling through the Dark†consist of no rhyme scheme, and follows a contemplative tone, that comes from the decision of life and death, which sets the moods of the poem include: sadness, despair. The following stanza continues in this vein with the cynical statement, â€Å"Next morning they turned up again, no worse for the cyanide than we for our cigarettes and state-store Scotch, all of us up to scratch†. However, those that follow are slowly indicative of the speaker’s mental deterioration. The statements of the food being eaten by the woodchucks are filled with bitterness as the language begins to resemble that of a killer. â€Å"They brought down the marigolds as a matter of course and then took over the vegetable patch nipping the broccoli shoots, beheading the carrots†. This is especially evident in the reference to the carrots being â€Å"beheaded†which provides an appropriate transition into the next stanza. On the other hand Stafford’s poem uses the use of figurative language, like alliteration, and imagery in order to convey the disheartening emotions that come with being forced to make a life threatening decision. The poem by Stafford, â€Å"Traveling through the Dark†presents readers with an uncomfortable and rather grim instance of the intersection of the natural world and that of man. Technology, in this case cars and the man-made road, are seen as something invasive and harmful in this poem. In order to convey the meaning of the poem â€Å"Traveling through the Dark†by William Stafford uses a conversational style to communicate the theme in the poem of the role of technology in modern life and , more importantly, the theme of man versus nature becomes apparent. Then again Kumin presents a sense of human behavior vs. animal behavior in a way that allows the symbolism of World War II to come through. Through out the poems, both poets not only convey an everyday scene into an underlying theme, by the use of figurative language and the selection of words and phrases. Common themes of the poems are life, death, and conflicting forces lie in each poem. Both poets allow for an underlying theme to be portrayed in a way that reflects on the original scene of the poem.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Sustainability In The Peak District National Park Tourism Essays
Sustainability In The Peak District National Park Tourism Essays Sustainability In The Peak District National Park Tourism Essay Sustainability In The Peak District National Park Tourism Essay The purpose of this study is to explicate how to develop sustainability in the Peak District National Park, Castleton ( PDP ) . The study will see chiefly and concentrate on the societal portion in peak territory national park, Castleton, and alterations that can be made. First of wholly, the study will state the reader some brief history of Peak District national park, Castleton ( PDP ) and so specify the term sustainable touristry and touristry development. Then secondly, the writer will present the demand that can be done to develop sustainable touristry in Castleton and how to advance sustainable touristry in the Peak District National Park in Castleton, the literature will so urge development that can be done in Castleton and decision will be drawn. Castleton is an outstandingly pretty small town situated at the caput of the lovely Vale of Hope, in the bosom of the Derbyshire Peak District National Park. Castleton is surrounded on 3 sides by steep hills and the mighty majority of Mam Tor looms high, 2 stat mis to the north West of the small town. On a hill, overlooking Castleton is the ancient Peveril Castle Sustainable touristry can be defined as Sustainable touristry is merely sustainable development achieved through touristry. Sustainable development is economic development that takes a long-run position. It balances the benefits of economic development against environmental and societal costs (, 2010 ) . Sustainable Development in Castleton Sustainable touristry nastily focuses on the environment, societal and environment values. However, to accomplish sustainable development in the peak territory national park Castleton, ( PDP ) the community has to affect in the partnership. Harmonizing to Sinclair ( 2003:404 ) define as sustainable development is expected to run into the demands of the present without compromising the ability of future coevals to run into their ain demands . Sustainability is chiefly focused so that development is positive for the local people, the visitants and touristry companies. To advance touristry in Peak District National Park, Castleton they have to hold more events, activities and exhibitions by making that it will pull more visitants as it used to make. For illustration the Garland festival and the Oak apple twenty-four hours which runs every twelvemonth attracts visitants to Castleton. Castleton has to construct more cafe bars for the local people and visitants themselves. These festivals attract more visitants to Castleton and it helps better the economic system impact and besides makes the attractive force really popular. In 2001, the population in Castleton was around 1,200 ( visit, 2010 ) . Because visitants visit different or several Parkss so Castleton needs to convey more activities so that the finish can be sustainable. However, the communities do non hold to destruct the wild life in the country with hike and walking in the country. In the other manus, the community has proctor and step the sustainable touristry in the country. Harmonizing to the Miller and Ward ( 2005:177 ) stated that since 1993, the WTO has organized sustainable touristry monitoring pilot undertakings in different parts of the universe where WTO advisers have worked together with national and local touristry direction to develop indexs for peculiar sites . Attraction in Castleton Castleton has local attractive force, for illustration the Peveril, Castleton palace and more. The Castleton palace do non pull more visitants because it needs more betterment and development for it to pull more tourer and visitants. Peak territory national park, Castleton ( pdp ) . Castleton is a topographic point where it suite all sort of demands and people, for illustration, Education Old people John walkers Peoples who wish to remain nightlong Hikers Peveril Castle from across Cave Dale, with Mam Tor Beginning from: visit Castleton The above image nevertheless shows the local attractive force in the Peak District National Park, Castleton ( pdp ) . The palace in Castleton needs more betterment. In other manus, it will pull more visitants from the nearer villages or towns like for illustration, Edale, Buxton, bakewell and many more. By making so, it will pull occupations for the local communities. Conveyance in Castleton Castleton lies at the western terminal of the Hope Valley in the Peak District National Park, mid-way between Manchester and Sheffield. Transport in Castleton is dependable. Hope railroad station is 3km from the Centre of Castleton is served by the Manchester Sheffield railroad line with direct trains to both metropoliss, plus connexions to the remainder of the railroad system. Beginning from Castleton. Improvement in Castleton The local people and visitants in the communities has to take attention with the by non falsifying the wild life in the country. Harmonizing to Shaw and Williams ( 2004:182 ) suggested that to prolong touristry the followers can be look at: To run with engagement and consent of local communities, which of class links straight with the thoughts of communities engagement Be in place to portion net income fairly with the local community Involve communities than persons. Promoting touristry in Castleton Harmonizing to Waugh ( 2002 ) said that national park must besides further the economic and societal good being of the local communities. They are besides required to prosecute a policy of sustainable development by which they must take to better the quality of people s lives without destructing the environment ( model 16, p499 ) . To advance touristry in Castleton the community has to lend in the activities that has been brought and are taking topographic point. By making so it besides creates occupations for the local people in the town or metropolis. The publicity has to be besides enjoyed the qualities by the local communities and the visitants . The local people have participated in touristry developments. Harmonizing to Ottinger et Al ( 2005 ) suggested that to advance touristry in a certain countries the followers has to be done: It enhances International Corporation, foreign direct investing and partnerships with both private and public sectors, at all degrees. Develop plans, including instruction and preparation plan that encourage people to take part in eco- touristry to enable autochthonal and local communities to develop and profit from eco- touristry and enhance stakeholder s cooperation in touristry development . Number people who visit the peak territory national park, Castleton There are many people or visitants who visit the peak territory national park, Castleton, every twelvemonth. ANNUAL VISITS TO THE MOST POPULAR AREAS IN THE PEAK DISTRICT NATIONAL PARK A Entire Visits % Hiking % rubber-necking Lower Derwent ( inc Chatsworth ) 3,120,000 4 33 Wye Valley ( inc. Bakewell ) 2,560,000 11 18 Hope Valley ( inc. Castleton ) 2,220,000 8 15 Dove A ; Manifold Valleys 2,050,000 21 9 Upper derwent 1,240,000 13 6 Beginning from: the peak territory national park. Decision Recommendation The application of the literature suggests that the local community has to lend to prolong touristry in peak territory national extremum, Castleton ( pdp ) . The application of literature suggest that the local people has to maintain the environment clean so that it does non harm the wild life The application of the literature suggest that the local people and the visitants has to utilize public conveyance or walk to take down the air pollution The application of the literature suggests that visitants have to hold to command their pets or animate being when they visit the peak territory national park, Castleton.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Essay Experts New Year’s Resolutions for 2018
The Essay Experts New Year’s Resolutions for 2018 New Years Resolutions seem to be getting a lot of flak this year. Pretty much everyone I talk to says they didn’t make any because 1) resolutions don’t work, and/or 2) if you’re continually improving yourself, January is no different than any other month. Nevertheless, I’m making some New Years Resolutions for 2018. I’m also checking in on the ones I made a year ago. I actually did pretty well on following through on my 2017 promises, so I’m intentionally bucking the â€Å"no-resolution†trend this year. Report on 2017 â€Å"Ressaylutions†: 1. Publish the 13th edition of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile, updated with the new face of LinkedIn. Success! You can find the new edition right here. How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile continues to be a top 10 business writing resource for executives, professionals, business owners, and students. You’ll get 18 tips (plus 7 bonus tips) that teach you how to âÅ"†Improve your search rankings âÅ"†Impress visitors with an eye-catching photo and background image âÅ"†Build connections with etiquette and ease âÅ"†Showcase your strengths with an effective, unique LinkedIn Summary (examples included!) âÅ"†Utilize special sections to your advantage âÅ"†Leverage LinkedIn’s Jobs function âÅ"†Give and get persuasive recommendations †¦and more! Newly updated for 2018! âÅ"†Revised images and instructions throughout to match LinkedIns new redesign âÅ"†Mobile-specific instructions âÅ"†Special advice from a past recruiter âÅ"†Secret tip: Write headlines over 120 characters! (Mistake #1) âÅ"†How to connect without InMail (Mistake #5) âÅ"†How to find alumni connections (now that the Alumni function is gone) (Mistake #5) âÅ"†New best practices for the LinkedIn summary section (Mistake #7) âÅ"†The new face of LinkedIn Jobs (Mistake #15) âÅ"†The LinkedIn Students App (Appendix E) And that’s just some of the changes. I think you’ll love the new edition and intend for it to be the best, most up-to-date LinkedIn book available on line! 2. Publish a trade edition of How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume Published! Check it out at Amazon Google Barnes Noble Kobo 3. Launch Writely, a Client Management Portal As reported in August, I completed this but then reversed the decision. Back to square one! 4. Find that editor. As reported in August, I look forward to bringing on two editors that I’ve already interviewed. Volume has returned to a level where I will need them! 5. Write a marketing plan – including SEO enhancements While I did not write a marketing plan, I did implement some new strategies, including my favorite: starting to wish my LinkedIn connections Happy Birthday! I think all contact is good contact, and it keeps The Essay Expert top of mind. I reached out to some past connections as well, and I sent out an announcement about an upcoming price increase. I believe all these steps increased brand awareness for The Essay Expert. Probably the most effective step I’ve taken is the new way I’m holding conversations with new clients. I’m taking more time and being more consistent in these conversations, and I think a greater sense of trust is resulting. 6. Explore the possibility of moving to the East Coast I traveled to New York and New Haven in May, and New York again in October. I’m excited to have found at least one yoga studio that I love – an essential staple for me anywhere I live. Ressaylutions for 2018: Create a KILLER LinkedIn portal – an online, subscription-based version of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile. This is occurring to me as a huge project. Investigate marketing How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile to educational institutions. Ideally, I’ll find the perfect person or resource to do this for me. Build my business to the point where I need to use editors, and use them! Improve systems in ways that support both team members and clients. Further develop my management skills, especially skills in setting expectations and addressing breakdowns. Track my sales and editing time in a new way so I understand my personal income more. Continue exploring NYC and surrounding areas as a possible place to move in 2019. My next trip is coming up in just over a week! I like this list as it’s a good combination of concrete projects and personal growth initiatives. All doable with the right amount of dedication and focus. I’m excited for the year ahead! What’s in store for you in 2018? Please share in the comments. If one of your New Years Resolutions is to advance your career in 2018, contact The Essay Expert for a free consultation on how we can best assist you!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The role of slavery in secession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The role of slavery in secession - Essay Example Indeed, even before the war was over, researchers in the North and South started to investigate and decipher the explanations for the carnage. The Secession of Southern States prompted the foundation of the Confederacy and at last the Civil War. It was the most genuine Secession development in the United States and was vanquished when the Union armed forces crushed the Confederate armed forces in the Civil War. Before the Civil War, the nation was separating in the middle of North and South. Issues included States Rights and contradictions over taxes yet the best partition was on the issue of subjugation, which was lawful in the South yet had bit by bit been banned by states north of the Mason-Dixon Line. As the US obtained new regions in the west, astringent open deliberations ejected about whether or not subjugation would be allowed in those domains. Southerners dreaded it was just a matter of time before the expansion of new non-slaveholding states however no new slaveholding states would give control of the administration to abolitionists, and the organization of subjection would be prohibited totally. They additionally despised the thought that a northern industrialist could secure plants, or some other business, in the new domains however agrarian Southern slave-proprietors couldnt move into regions where subjugation was restricted in light of the fact that their slaves would then be free. With the race in 1860 of Abraham Lincoln, who ran on a message of containing subjection to where it at present existed, and the accomplishment of the Republican Party to which he had a place – the first completely territorial gathering in US history – in that decision, South Carolina withdrew on December 20, 1860, the first state to ever formally withdraw from the United States. After four months, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana withdrew too. Later Virginia (aside from its
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cities Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cities Development - Essay Example 2(Mike Douglass, Kong-Chong ho, 2008). Civic spaces should be available for daily practices and other collaborative engagements of the society. Civil society must actively participate in governance and making it a livable civic society. The concept of civic spaces should be understood and analyzed in the context of urban politics and metropolitan governance. The civil spaces are not empty spaces. Civic spaces are basically an extension of the civil society. It is viewed as a stage for our public life if working properly. It is the place where celebrations are held and where the social, political and economic exchanges take place. The benefit of transforming a civic society into a great public place goes a long way. It enhances civic realm not only visually but it ensures healthy growth, provides a forum for interaction and gives foundation for enhancing the livability of the community. Without great public places great cities are not possible. There are strong linkages between civic society and the forces that shape urban politics and governance. Civil society is a very elusive phenomenon which depends on a number of internal and external forces and a wide array of inputs from different segments of the society with rising and diminishing importance in different parts of the city. Global Cities Global cities are responsible for structural conditions of urban change. There exits strong relationship between emerging social disparities in global cities and their impact on politics. These income inequalities, political injustices and power differentials have led to social movements in global cities. The most recent lived economic crises along with... This paper stresses that global cities are responsible for structural conditions of urban change. There exits strong relationship between emerging social disparities in global cities and their impact on politics. These income inequalities, political injustices and power differentials have led to social movements in global cities. The most recent lived economic crises along with the bundle of other social and cultural injustices have resulted in the rise of the civil society. This rise of civil society is prevalent in all the global cities throughout the world. The role of civil society based organizations has increased manifolds especially in the context of recent downsizing and retreat of government from service delivery. Civil society based organizations are acting as important economic and social stabilizers in the neoliberalized political economy. This report makes a conclusion that with ever increasing Globalization and capitalism still being the most dominant system I don’t see the landscape of consumption in the civil societies will undergo any major changes. Although as we have already discussed that in some advanced industrial countries the trend is movement towards rural areas in search of less crowded and serene environment. This trend is still negligible and the major and dominant trend is towards urbanization and the mushroom growth of shopping malls, theme malls and even whole commercial cities such as Dubai. I don’t see that in the current scenario cities have the potential of moving from landscape of consumption to landscape of production in the near future. Capitalism marked by consumerism will remain the trend in the near future.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Management problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management problem - Essay Example Therefore, preparing a good business proposal and business plan is a requisite of any business that wishes to be successful. While a business proposal should contain the specific goals that the project seeks to meet, explaining in details the technical aspects and activities to be undertaken to accomplish the project and indicating the expected results (Mullins, 2002 p305), a business plan serves as a road map to the business (George and Jones, 2002 p26). A business plan helps the owners of a business to confirm the business idea, making it possible for the owners of a business to set clear business objectives and allow the business stakeholders, partners, sponsors and financiers to make a decision regarding whether and how to work with the company (Brown, 1995 p20). Thus it is necessary for any business seeking to succeed to formulate a business proposal and a business plan. This two documents act as a tool for a business to negotiate with the potential suppliers, distributors, part ners, shareholders and clients on the necessities that the business requires to succeed. In our case, the organization lacks a well formulated business plan, while its business proposal is just a ten page document of idea. There is a need to address these issues, if the housing development project for the organization is to succeed. As a consultant, in response to the lack of a well formulated business plan, the advice to the business is that a business plan is requisite for the organization to successfully achieve its housing development project. Considering that the organization experiences a problem of undertaking its housing development project due to a lack of funding available to sustain the development, then, a business plan is the required tool for use in negotiating for funding of the project by financiers. There are various reasons as to why the business entity requires having a well formulated business plan. Possession of a well formulated business plan serves to indicate to the potential financiers that the business has a mission and an objective that it seeks to meet, and that it is serious in its desire to meet this. The plan serves to indicate to the potential investors the nature of the management team that the business has and how it is committed to achieving its set goals and objectives (Camal, 2003 p52). The plan also serves to indicate to the potential investors and financiers that the business understands the needs of its customers and that is committed and dedicated to meet these needs in the best way possible, to the satisfaction of the customer. The plan also serves to show the investor and financiers that the business is well positioned to deal with the products and services the organization seeks to offer and it understands them well (Mullins, 2002 p321). It is still an advantage of the organization to have a well formulated business plan, since it shows the investors how the organization seeks to market its products and how it is equ ipped to overcome market risks, challenges and competition. A proposal on the other hand is required so as to communicate the business prospects of the organization to its stakeholders. This goes a long way to ensure that the business has secured the support of all its stakeholders in undertaking the project in question. In this case therefore, the organization should modify the ten page document comprising of business ideas into a well formulated housing development proposal for the organization. This way, the organization is able to negotiate for support from all its stakeholders, who include the shareholders, the employees and the potential investors. It serves to show that the project is important for the organization to undertake (Carnwell and Buchanan, 2005 p19). The proposal should
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Several Factors Which Are Behind The Cultural Penetration Cultural Studies Essay
The Several Factors Which Are Behind The Cultural Penetration Cultural Studies Essay This research paper explains the several factors which are behind the cultural penetration of west in Pakistani Elite society. It discusses how culture has become a bond that ties and differentiates the people of various society, region and community together. The research will give awareness to the people of our society about conserving Pakistani culture; about how it plays an important role in making them united and unified. It also identifies the different segments which are behind the increased globalization that has penetrated the western culture in Pakistani society, especially through media, lifestyle, language and family systems. KEYWORDS: Culture, Globalization. THE CULTURAL INCURSION OF WEST IN PAKISTANI ELITE SOCIETY CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The term culture has been used by various philosophers since decades. Raymond Williams claim it to be the most difficult word in English language The word culture has different meanings to evaluate human activity (Williams et al., 1976). Culture means to cultivate (Harper, 2008). Findley and Rothney describes it as, systems of symbols and meanings that even its creator contest, it lacks fix boundaries that are completely in flux and they interact and compete with one another (Findley and Rothney et al., 2006). All these authors describe it of being system of symbols that have blur boundaries. The bottom line is that how do we recognize them as those symbols? The answer to this is provided by Williams who say they culture is what is embedded in music, scriptures, literature, lifestyle, painting, theatres and other related things (Williams et al., 1976). These symbols are somehow alike in all the cultures. Due to rapid globalization and interaction of the past, these dimensions influen ce one culture or the other. This study will discuss the impact of western culture on Pakistani culture. Cultural penetration is the incorporation of other culture and language into ones own. Cultural penetration can take the form of general attitude as well. In this study, the focus is on the Western culture penetrating inside Pakistani Culture. Western cultures have been influencing other cultures worldwide. This is so because people equate Westernization (adoption of Western customs) with Modernization (adoption of scientific development). Westernization can be defined as a process whereby societies adopt the western culture in matters of trade, machinery, political affairs, finances, law, standard of living, diet, language, belief or morals. Westernization had an enveloping and fast influence across Pakistan in the last few centuries. This ever increasing era of globalization has increased the power of western culture in Pakistan, amongst the rich especially because of their easy contact with the western foodstuffs, media and other products. Many western food chains can be seen in the major cities of Pakistan. Western dress has become a symbol of status and honor among the youth and the business industry. Families no more share the family time together they use to in the past; rather they are more cautious about their privacy. Obsession with English is the major issue. People who read and write English very well can hardly understand Urdu. Even those who cannot speak English, try doing so as to look stylish. 1.2 Statement of the Problem The study identifies the factors behind the cultural penetration of West in Pakistani Elite society. It has been observed that people of Pakistani society feel pride in exercising westernized culture and tradition. They are being deviated from their own cultural norms and are adopting a more westernized approach. The main role played in increasing such behavior is because of the media, which is spreading the norms of the west. Pakistani societys lifestyles, family relations, dressing, education has changed drastically and is not what it used to be some years back. 1.3 Purpose of the Problem The study targets the characteristics which plays a significant role on the influence of western culture into Pakistani culture. 1.4 Research Question What are the main factors behind cultural penetration of west which are influencing Pakistani Elite society? 1.5 Justification of the problem The study can give awareness to the people of our society about conserving Pakistani culture; about how it plays an important role in making them united and unified. It can help people to understand the urgency to preserve Pakistani culture by providing a documented form of material that highlights the good and bad effects of adopting western culture. Fundamentally, culture makes use of artifacts and rituals to pass on notions of identity, which is observed to be missing in the Elite class of our Pakistani society. 1.6 Scope and Limitations Due to limited time span and shortage of research tools available the research was conducted only by the help of BBA and BSSS first and second year students who targeted the questionnaires on the elite class of Karachi. Chapter 2 Literature Review Culture is the awareness of traditions, ethics and way of life of a group of people. It is represented through various customs and traditions, arts, literature and costumes. Culture exists in different forms in different parts of the world. The surroundings greatly influence the lifestyle of people in that region, indirectly shaping cultures. (Manali Oak, Nov 15 2008). In Oaks et al., (2008) article she states that culture is the one common link that connects people of different religions or communities together. The traditions a group of people follow, the events they celebrate, their attire, food and above all the cultural beliefs they share, bring them together. Cultures are affected by people who accept its change and who resist them too. All these cultural ideas and beliefs for a matter of fact can change. Communal argument and the developing technologies give rise to changes within a society by altering social dynamics and advancing new cultural models or giving way to them. These social shifts are accompanied by ideological models and other cultural variations, for instance, people observing western cultures through media and then exercising them in their lives. Most prominently, western influence is observed to be seen in the Pakistani elite society. Their complete lifestyle and mentality is of the west and they, in no manner represent to be Pakistani. It can be seen clearly that how Pakistani elite class is discouraging their own culture to adopt modernization. (Dr Manzur Ejaz). The influence of west on the elite is basically being transferred through media. Media is playing a very vital role in portraying western culture, which is seemingly very attractive. Media is an agent of socio-political, cultural and economic change in our age and can strengthen or destabilize a society. The elite families of Pakistan can afford to live such a life which is full of westernized culture. They are moving away from their own culture (Muhammad Abbas, 2003). Muhammad Abbas et al., (2003) stated that its high time to fortify our socio-cultural practices. Our values are being invaded by the west through Cable TV. Media should lay their role in constructing faith and pride in our wonderful past, our values and the way of living. We have glorious norms and social strata which ought to be preserve, strengthen and encouraged. He emphasized on the fact that media can remove the negativity from Pakistani elite class because they are in transition. Their lifestyle is changing becau se of media and education and this particular change needs to smooth the progress in a positive manner. The elite families in Pakistan live a life closely similar to western families. for example the concept of family is different in west as compared to other Asian countries. Most western families consist of parents with average of 1-3 children. It is very common that parents are employed full time and are at work while their children are at school or daycare facility. Same is the case with Pakistani society. The children are now use to of living alone and independently without their parents at home. S, Venier (2004) stated that the American culture moves through every communicating medium. English as an international language for trade and politics is the strong tool for transmission of western culture. As English makes it way becoming a global language, it also becomes clear that although the forces driving the language and culture differ greatly but the two cannot be separated. Journalist S.M Hussain states that due to the increasing globalization; it is difficult to predict the impact of western culture on eastern cultures lifestyle in the future. Due to all of this Pakistanis have opened themselves up. Scholars in Pakistan admit in Daily Times Monitor (2008) that the extreme westernization has swept Pakistani culture. The extended family system, a feature of Pakistani cultural society has died away, especially amongst the elite classes who are exposed to American culture and now care more about their privacy. The young generation now seldom cares about their elders. Meal choices changed from Rice and Chapatti to KFC, McDonalds and Pizza Huts. Traditional drinks have switched to Coke and Pepsi. They feel pride in speaking English than Urdu. Dr. Ahmed Rashid Malik (2009) states that perhaps it is some colonial chip we are carrying on our shoulders, which focuses on us to acknowledge the western culture as cool and hip. Perhaps, we are still so much in awe of the white men that we cannot even see their faults and our own virtues. It is not as if it is just one area of the city that is affected by this, day by day it is seen that the entire place divided into little elite clutches of people is affected by this westernization. The influenced drive the latest cars, chatter away on their latest cell phones and wear designer Italian clothes, no matter if they do not even know how to pronounce their names properly. Hence we are a race of people with a culture that spans generations of grandeur, yet we want to throw that all away for just a small place in our minds that resides as pro-western elite. (Hussain, S.M) CHAPTER 3 3.1 FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS This study describes the important factors which are playing a significant role in bringing change to the mentality and lifestyle of the Pakistani elite society. 75 questionnaires were filled and analysis was concluded. The sample size was of 75 persons, out of which 34 were female, representing 45.3% and 41 male who are 54.7% of the total population. The age is dispersed from 18 to 62. Majority of respondents lie in the age group of 20 to 26. Respondents agreed that media is playing an important role in bringing western approaches. They justified that family relation is the segment of life which is affected the most by western culture. It has been proved that western incursion does exist in the Pakistani elite society. People of elite society are in many forms and segments of life adopting western ideology. There is a crisis of self identity prevailing within the people. It is revealed by the research that educational sector is the least affected segment of life by the western cultural penetration. The greatest change brought about by the western incursion is on the lifestyle of the elite Pakistani people. It is exposed after the research that family values are at stake because of the cultural penetration. Individual ambitions and benefits are more prioritized over mutual goals. Urdu being the national language is undermined and English is given more encouragement officially and unofficially. American lifestyle is commonly believed to be the most fascinating and appealing lifestyle, which is taken as most trendy and popular. 3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS AND SOLUTIONS As it is revealed to us that western cultural penetration exists in our society, there lie some responsibilities for us to undertake. Since it has rooted underneath the surfaces so immensely, it will not be easy to remove it from the society in a short span of time, for it requires much of hard work and struggle from everyone. Firstly, it is the job of the parents of our society to give correct guidance from the very beginning to their children so that they learn to appreciate their own culture. It is very important to differentiate between the cultures and to accept what is ours and like it from within. Secondly, all the educational institutions must also encourage their students to celebrate the national and traditional customs and festivals, rather than celebrating foreign ones. These institutions should also try to preserve the true value of Urdu as our national language. They must struggle to maintain the level of Urdu in the eyes of the students and to make them understand that it is good to speak English but Urdu must never be forgotten. Thirdly, the responsibility lies in the hands of each individual. Every one of us should encourage and appreciate our own Pakistani culture and should feel pride in doing so. We all should try to make people the importance of being under the label of ones own culture and country. As media is approached by everyone, it plays a very important role in portraying our culture. It should promote and preserve Pakistani culture in all the ways possible. Media should discourage the portrayal of those programs which in any way harms our culture. When lifestyle is considered, it is good to be advanced and technologically developed but we do not need to adopt those segments of lifestyle which deviate us from our culture and religion. Because one can only look best in exercising own culture and lifestyle. To cope up with the identity crisis, it is important to make the victims understand that following others just for the sake of fashion is no good to anyone. One should always be confident about his/her own talent and abilities and never under estimate oneself. 3.3 CONCLUSION It has been observed that the elite society in Pakistan are opposing their own culture and are more interested to follow western culture in their daily life. This can be called upon as western cultural penetration, which is slowly eroding Pakistani culture unnoticeably. This is referred as a problem because in the cycle of the society the new traditions are set from the upper social class and then followed by the lower social classes. Therefore it is very necessary that the elite class should be very conscious towards this social issue and takes care of what they think as culturally acceptable tradition.
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