Monday, September 30, 2019
Coal industry of pakistan Essay
Pakistan has a very large coal reserve base only Thar coal can be used to make 40,000 MW of Electricity for the next 100 years. Regional powers like China are very much interested in the project and are willing to pour billions of dollars in these projects if the Govt. of Pakistan issues sovereign guarantee. Sector will essentially contribute to the wiping out of the difference in the electricity shortage. It would stabilise the economy as oil imports are going to decrease which contribute to $8 Billion of our imports. Coal can be exported to countries around the world. Many countries are shifting to coal as means of energy and this raises export opportunity for the coal exports too. The labour cost in the mining industry is very low as compared to other parts of the world and essentially have higher profit margins. The Tax rate is nil during exploration, mine construction and extraction phase. WEAKNESSES Serious lack of infrastructure facilities Many government restrictive policies and not much help provided by the government. Government not fulfilling there contracts. There is no consistency in Government policy. Low quality coal available mostly Too much capital required to extract the coal. Thermal energy would mean more pollution OPPORTUNITIES Expansion of energy base of Pakistan Expansion of export base and reduction of oil imports. Opportunity to boost lagging industries. Growing demand of Coal THREATS Foreign involvement which might restrict local development Restrictive policies and red tapism by government Control of reserves by only a few major players Oil Lobby being a very strong force in Pakistan. Problem faced by this Industry Lack of safety and security Pakistan’s image and political situation is a deterrent to investment Pakistan’s image and political situation is a deterrent to investment The industry sustained a stab back in the recent years. Lack of knowledge of the mineral potential. Lack of Labour Safety. Lack of Government vision. Development expenditure being used for crisis management purposes. The industry relies on the findings of the PCSIR laboratories.PCSIR labs do not possess the necessary tools and equipments for refinement of minerals. Not a convenient supply of coal and at times they have to revert to oil and gas for there production mostly the cement companies. Recommendation for the industry There has to be innovation in the sort of mining techniques being adopted in Pakistan. Adoption of modern exploration techniques like photo geology, satellite imaging, Underground Gasification can be useful for the industry. Information regarding coal reserves, grades and annual production must be maintained for the information of investors that may guide their future programme and work. And it must be easily available on Government portal. Mineral development fund to be created & spent by outsourcing the infrastructure programmes to private organizations. Allocation of funds from World Bank for mineral sector programmes. Due representation to be given to all the stakeholders from mineral sector i.e. laborers, Investors e.t.c. In order to for people to be interested in the mining sector, government has to provide facilities for the workers and management near to the mining facilities. Improve the efficiency of the emergency rescuers in case of an accident in a mine. Participate in international minerals exhibitions and fairs for creating awareness of Pakistan’s mineral potential to foreign investor. This would also built the Image of Pakistan. In most of the mining camps basic facilities of roads and other basic infrastructure facilities have not been provided. As a result the mine to market accessibility is very low and also increases the cost of mining. More degrees relating to the mining industry should be started as there are only 3 till date in Pakistan A separate board for mining be made involving technocrats. Train & improve capacity of all persons in minerals managements. Establish mini power plants on coal in the mining areas. Provide in service training to technical staff i.e. laborers. Establish machinery-pool to extend services on cost effective basis Provide soft loans in the mining Industry.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Harlem Renaissance Poets
Although knowledge of his early years is unreliable and vague, it is believed that he had a troubled childhood, full of abandonment. His writings celebrated black beauty and deplored racism and its effects Couch 1033 (Counter Culled, 2014)From a Dark Tree We shall not always plant while others repaper golden increment of bursting fruit,Not always countenance, abject and mute,That lesser men should hold their brothers cheap;Not everlastingly while others sleepwalk we guile their limbs with mellow flute,Not always bend to some more subtle brute;We were not made to eternally weep.The night whose sable breast relieves the stark,White stars is no less lovely being dark,And there are buds that cannot bloom at Allan light, but crumple, piteous, and fall;So in the dark we hide the heart that bleeds,And wait, and tend our agonizing seeds. From a The double consciousness that is being expressed in this poem is shown in the expression of the beauty and sadness in the nature around him. This is especially poignant in the line â€Å"White stars s no less lovely being dark†, essentially saying that black skin is as beautiful as white skin and should be accepted as such.The underlying theme in the poetry of the Harlem Renaissance is an essential yearning to be accepted into mainstream society, not as inferiors, but as equals. The acknowledgement of the beauty of the African American and the acceptance as Patriotic equals is a line that appears to run through these poems. Raised and Repressed I raise my arms and give a shout A penitent man, I am blessed I stand on a soil of freedom Gained by forefathers unrepressed And to my knees I fallSurrendering my dignity To another's beck and call And know deep in my heart That the freedom of which he and I also speak Are often worlds apart. -Holly Gaston Works
Saturday, September 28, 2019
3 CHoices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
3 CHoices - Essay Example Sound effects are a deciding factor in determining the audience response and viewership especially when it comes to horror, action and futuristic movies. Sound effects can be further categorised as: dubbing, special effects, background scores, playback, music track etc. Each category is applied in present day films and consequentially sound effect has tremendous significance in the success of a movie. The absence of sound in the 1927 film The General, a classic of the silent era, makes much room for convincing acting and gesticulation to make situations, conversations and the overall plot clear. Screenplay gets more space and opportunity to experiment and compensate for the lack of a sound track. The presence of a slow and detailed video shoot frame-by-frame can be seen in the film ‘The General’, deliberately reeled in a slow pace for the audience to understand the incidents in the movie and follow the overall plot. Closer shots are taken in order to lip read the dialogue. After watching silent movies and especially the movie that we’ve chosen to analyse and discuss: ‘The General’ we can say that a lot is left to the audience’s anticipation. The reactions of various characters in the movie can have multiple verbal interpretations or dialogue association where the visuals of lip movement or even the gesticulation is obscure. It is similar to reading a book where greater attention is required due to the complete absence of one sensation: that of sound. A movie is all about entertainment. If we consider the silent era series: Charlie Chaplin or Laurel and Hardy we can easily connect to the obvious fact that silent movies necessitate heightened visual drama, distinct actions and riveting visual effects to keep the audience invested in watching the movie till the end. All these movies and TV series have one thing in common: a convincing visual appeal. In the movie, ‘The General’, Buster Keaton performed several daring stunts
Friday, September 27, 2019
Business accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business accounting - Assignment Example Whole Foods Market, Inc.’s current ratio will not allow them to take more debt as compared to previous years. Although, Whole Foods Market, Inc. has made short-term investments but still there is no significant impact on the current ratio. The overall condition of current ratio reveals the fact that the current ratio which is not pretty stable and healthy as compared to the industry practice. Quick Ratio: Whole Foods Market, Inc. quick ratio is lower than the industry average. The reason behind this is the improper working capital management which makes the quick ratio more tentative in the last three years. The overall signal of Whole Foods Market, Inc. liquidity is not good and it sends a negative signal towards the debt holders and also on the debt market. Moreover, the liquidity crunch problem makes the performance of Whole Foods Market, Inc. slightly vulnerable. Debt to Equity: Dependency on debt financing is not a bad habit but it has consequences if you rely on more. Whole Foods Market, Inc. debt to equity ratio is lower in comparison with the previous year. The factors of business volume, Inc.rement in sales, fulfilment to pay the suppliers and acquisitions of fixed asset. Due to the expansion in business, Whole Foods Market, Inc. has plenty of financial obligations, most of which has been acquired through debt. In 2008, Whole Foods Market, Inc. reliance more on debt financing as compare to the previous years. Interest Coverage Ratio (TIE): This ratio suggests the fact that TIE ratio is higher in comparison with the industry because of company entertain its business with high proportion of debt financing. Although the company’s management runs business successfully and this is shown in the EBIT which suggest that the Company is keep improving in the EBIT year by year. In comparison with the ability of paying interest expense is fine in comparison with he industry
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Are emotion and reason equally necessary in justifying moral decisions Essay
Are emotion and reason equally necessary in justifying moral decisions - Essay Example (Westacott, 2006; Davis, 2005; Westacott, 2000) There are many considerations that build-up a person’s moral judgment. First, our conscience serves as our guide when choosing between something that is morally right or wrong. (Paunil-Ciabal, 2003: 23) It is also unavoidable that some of us may end up having to face a situation wherein we need to make a major life decision based on the principle of choosing the lesser evil. (Paunil-Ciabal, 2003: 33) Since we all have the freedom to make choices in our lives, some of us may end up deciding to act on something that may not be morally right in the eyes of another person. Choosing the action that does not fully promote humanity is never an easy task. Considering all the factors that may contribute to the development of moral decisions in each person, this study will examine and provide some real-life examples that will prove as to whether or not the application of pure emotions, pure logical reasoning, or both is necessary when it comes to the justification of a moral decision. Torturing or inflicting cruel acts on another human being is morally unacceptable considering that the act itself, regardless of its purpose, is considered as evil and inhumane. (Kershnar, 2004; Paunil-Ciabal, 2003: 33) Back in 2002, we have heard from the news about the story behind the American soldiers in Afghanistan, Guantà ¡namo Bay naval base, and Iraq wherein the prisoners were brutally tortured as part of their preferred â€Å"interrogation technique†in order for the American soldiers to gather more information with regards to the terrorists group that has attacked the Americans back in 2001. (Davis, 2005) Basically, the five possible reasons behind torturing another individual includes: (1) to make another person confess; (2) to gather sensitive information; (3) to intimidate another party; (3) as a punishment; (5) to make another person suffer for the personal satisfaction
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Smoking among college students Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Smoking among college students - Research Paper Example It is important to know the actual motives behind smoking before taking any kind of preventive action. Most of the people start smoking during their teenage due to peer pressure or need for approval by their friends. Some youngsters also believe that smoking actually helps them keep in shape and have self-control, while others say it makes them look cool. According to the statistical data, the rate of smoking has increased by 30 % during 1993-1997 amongst the college students. Studies show that the measures which can be taken by the colleges authorities in order to reduce the level of smoking amongst the young students. Experts believe that taking preventive measures is better than abrupt prohibition from smoking which can cause the opposite effect on the students. The high rate of smoking among college students can be explained by aggressive advertising and promotional activities aimed to increase the size of the market. The glamorous ads casting handsome and beautiful models, actually tempts the youngsters to smoke. Tobacco industry focuses on sales promotion more than any other industry in the world. Companies spend a huge amount of investment to reach adolescents. Adolescents, of 18-24 years, become the main target market for the tobacco industry. The companies distribute free cigarettes outside the concerts and college clubs in order to attract more and more people towards their brands. The industry has also involved the youngster in the promotional activities. These kinds of aggressive promotion activities have drawn a huge number of younger lots to smoking. Promotional activities in bars and night clubs were started during 1980s. The level of tobacco consumption among students was indistinct, but the some field researches show that nearly every college student was involved in those promotional activities during 1990s. It has been predicted that the college students will become main consumers of tobacco in the next few years. The tobacco companies launch their promotional campaign mostly in the urban localities, trying to trap the young consumers through various advertising medium and techniques. Even the students who don't have enough exposure to the bars and night clubs can be influenced by the heavy advertising by different brands. For instance, Asian American students have become the main target for many promotional campaigns aiming to find new customers. University Health Centers can help to prevent and reduce smoking rate by educating the students about the diseases caused by smoking. Smoking should also be strictly prohibited within the college premises. Psychologists have deduced the various ways to control smoking habits within the younger students by providing different psychological treatments for quitting smoking. They have also worked upon finding the relation between smoking and media exposure of the individuals. Further in their research works psychologists have also tried to analyze the factors which can contribute to motivate or de-motivate individuals from smoking. The previous studies have classified smokers by their age, gender and race and have provided the statistical data accordingly. The main theme of the paper is to examine the relation which exists between smoking and factors such as the peer pressure, stress and depression. METHODOLOGY
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Incomplete research project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Incomplete research project - Essay Example The visitors in turn will be happy to pay a reasonable amount in return for the services. That’s how the hospitality industry functions. With the emergence of big hotel chains hospitality came into being as an industry in itself. This study is an effort to analyse how The Goodwood Park Hotel has been able to take advantage of the globalisation and increasing economic activities. In the earlier times, travel to far off places used to take months to years, and it required grit and determination on the part of the adventurers to explore the other part of the world, and if they could live longer enough to go back to their native land, they would narrate the wonderful place that they could see, which in turn would encourage others around to go and see those places. Till the time Wright brothers presented the world with a flying machine, most of such travels used to take place with the help of ships, on foot, on camelback or on horseback. During those times people used to undertake travel as a part of trade and business and the business partner used to take care of the visitors. But gradually, the task of business partner was made easier by the hospitality industry, and such visits started gaining enough momentum after the aeroplanes were pressed into service. The hotel industry prospered with the increasing economic exchanges and cooperation in trades and servic es. Hospitality and tourism literally means carrying out the business activity by taking good care of our guests, with the help of facilities like comfortable stay, quality services, hygienic meals, better communication, transportation etc. Hospitality is all pervasive and has become central to the billion dollar industry and an upsurge in global economic activities. This study is being carried out with an aim of taking a realistic look at how the hospitality
Monday, September 23, 2019
Is there such a thing as a normal sexual orientation Essay
Is there such a thing as a normal sexual orientation - Essay Example Persons attracted toward those of the opposite sex are termed as heterosexuals. Persons attracted toward both genders at the same time are called bisexuals. Person not attracted to any kind of sexual activity with neither gender is going through abstinence or asexuality. This homosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, and abstinence, is what we call sexual orientation of a person. It involves both the feelings plus the identity of the person. An individual may recognize his identity as being a homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual, at any point of his life and this identity would be different from the gender identity or gender roles that the society assigns to an individual. This paper intends to discuss if there is such a thing in the world as normal sexual orientation. Normal Sexual Orientations Researchers suggest that being a heterosexual is normal as is being a non-heterosexual. Gays and lesbians have been identified in all ages and they live just the normal way as others. They belong to all cultures, all socio-economic statuses, and all religions. A homosexual can also feel erotically aroused by a member of the opposite sex at some times in life although he may identify himself as a gay. A heterosexual, likewise, can feel attracted toward a person of the same sex although not too often and although he claims himself to be a heterosexual. Thus, a variation in normality is seen in the behavior of individuals, and this variation cannot make the behavior abnormal. Huegel states that â€Å"Being gay is normal. Being lesbian is normal. Being bisexual is normal. Being transgender is normal. Being heterosexual is normal.†Homosexuality is a Normal Sexual Orientation Gay marriages and gay rights are issues that have been an effort toward making people consider non-heterosexual orientations as normal. The earliest known gay rights organization is the Society for Human Rights in Chicago that was established in 1924 and launched first gay rights movement. Afte r that, the Mattachine Society was established in 1951 and there have been a number of other organizations and movements till then which support gay rights. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) passed by Congress in 1996 protects the marriage rights of gays since there were many states which had banned gay marriages before 1996. Congress approved the law in 2010 and legalized gay marriages. When talking about gay rights, we must discuss what actually the rights that have been legalized for gays are. These include ceremonial marriages, child adoption, domestic partnership registration on public record, domestic partnership affidavit given by employers to gay employees that defines the couple’s economic relationship, health care, insurance, lawsuits, property, and the like. Hence, we see that courts and laws have been trying to make people believe that heterosexuality is normal. Abnormal Sexual Orientations However, there are some bizarre sexual orientations that are regarded as abnormal. Paraphilia Paraphilia is a sexual orientation in which a person is sexually attracted toward a non-human object, animal, or a person with whom sexual activity is not socially acceptable. The paraphilic sexual orientation is considered abnormal by all mental health organization like the American Psychiatric Association. According to the Traditional Values Coalition: The paraphilias listed in the DSM are abnormal sexual orientations toward non-human objects or individuals and include the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Business Environment - Essay Example These profit seeking activities are performed by the enterprises that provide goods and services to the people of the country and which are necessary for the economic system of the country. Some of the enterprises produce tangible goods like automobiles, computers, etc., while others provide services like banking, insurance, etc. (Pride et al 2011). Business activity is very important for the economic development of the country, as it not only creates the job opportunities for the people of the nation, but also improves the standard of living. Business determines the needs and demands of the people and fulfills them by providing various goods and services. Business also acts as a major source of foreign exchange for the country (Dunning & Lundan, 2008). For example, many enterprises sell their products across the national borders. They also organized various international events which not only bring the foreign currency in the nation, but also lead to the development of infrastructur e which further facilitates the growth of the country’s economy. There are different factors according to which the enterprises working in a country can be categorized. One of the criteria of dividing the enterprises is the objective of the organization. On the basis of the objectives, enterprises can be divided into two categories: for-profit organization and non-profit organization (Kerlin, 2009). The term â€Å"profit†represents the rewards that a business person seeks to get against the risk which is involved in the combining the people, technology and information to fulfill the demand and needs of the people of the country (Thuronyi, 1998). The enterprises with the objective of earning profit are called as for-profit organizations. Such organizations mainly help the country to grow financially and provide the source of income to its citizens. Apart from the acting as income source, these organizations also help the society by launching different social programs w hich are known as corporate social responsibility. They pay heavy taxes to the government which improves the infrastructure of the nation. Consumers are the major beneficiaries of such enterprises. Their major objective is to increase their profit, for which they try to attract as much as possible consumers. Inter rivalry among the different enterprises results in better quality products in the market at acceptable prices (Blackford, 2008). The other category of enterprises is known as the non-profit organizations. These are the enterprises which aim to work for the social development rather than earning profit for the owners (Kurtz & Boone 2008). They need to earn profits for their operations but their main objective to work for the society which is the major difference between them and for-profit organizations. They operate in both public and private sector. They help in the economic development by improving and fulfilling the social needs of the citizens like education, better sa nitation, and working for weaker section of the society (Keough, 2008). Both types of enterprises are different in nature, but both are required for the economic development of the nations. Government policies are the other major factor which defines the economic growth of a country. Fiscal policy and monetary policies are two tools that are
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Participatory Research Design Essay Example for Free
Participatory Research Design Essay The changing nature of the global business culture has necessitated various aspects of organizational behavior. This is the spirit of the overwhelming variables that define how employees interact and integrate with the corporate processes with the basic goal of meeting the corporate objectives and missions. Understanding the requirements of the organizational behavior is an important aspect which helps to align its procedures and processes in line with the behavioral conception within the corporation (Dan, 1998) The research team The parameters that provide the best knowledge would involve carrying out a research study across various organizations aimed at learning the statutory components of the concepts of organizational behavior. This would involve a controlled dissemination of research team across the sample of selected corporations. The layout of the research process would involve the evaluation of the aspects that articulate within the fundamental concept of organizational behavior as an important factor in the success of the corporation. Investigating the issue and its assumptions. The concept of organizational behavior is chiefly incorporated at a diverse autonomy within different cases of organizations. This research study will therefore aim at studying the scope of influence of organizational behavior to the functionality of different organizations that differs in terms of capacity, functions, and managerial processes. The underlying assumptions will also be developed in terms of the result provision of the research process about what impacts are endowed by the concept of organization behavior (Dan, 1998) Developing an action pal and data collection strategies In order to collect the most reliable data, the researcher would pursue various methods of data collection strategies and methods that would help to yield the most reliable research results and outcomes. This would include the use of methods such as observation, questionnaire and survey. A stream of related data responses shall be collected through these methods which would then be used in arriving at rational conclusions and recommendations about the impact of organizational behavior to the contemporary functionality of the organization (Dan, 1998) Data analysis The research process would not be fully met until the collected data in passed through various methods of data analysis that would help to yield the most reliable results and findings. This could be through methods such as correlation, T-test, F-test, barographs, pie-charts and other significant methods of data analysis.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior Theory
Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior Theory Buyer Behavior and Marketing Strategy The theory of reasoned action assumes that consumers consciously consider the consequences of the alternative behaviours under consideration and choose the one that leads to the most desirable consequences (PO: 8th edition: 2008) where intention is the key cognitive demonstration of a persons willingness to carry out the specific behavior and is the single best predictor of actual behaviour (PO: 8th edition: 2008) this means that any action that requires a certain amount of cognitive thinking and decision process requires a behavioral intention in order to complete the behavior. The Theory of reasoned action is not relevant for extremely simple or involuntary behaviours such as automatic eye blinking. Turning your head at the sound of the telephone, or sneezing (PO: 8th edition: 2008) The Theory of reasoned action is an adapted and broadened development of the multiattribute model by Fishbein. This is a useful guide for devising strategies to change consumers attitudes (PO: 8th edition: 2008) The theory also assumes that people tend to perform behaviors that are evaluated favourably and are popular with other people (PO: 8th edition: 2008) therefore external and environmental factors influences such as the social environment and personal variables such as values, goals, lifestyle patterns and psychological characteristics manipulate the consumers intention to engage in the behavior. If the behavior is seen or regarded unpopular among people in close proximity of that person then it is highly likely that the intention to perform the behavior will not occur. Behavioral intention (BI) is a proposition connecting self and future action (PO: 8th edition: 2008) and these are created through Choice and Decision process (PO: 8th edition: 2008) depending on consumers intention to engage in that behavior and the subjective norm regarding whether other people want the consumer to engage in that behavior. The strength of intentions of the consumer is very important aspect as this is combined with evaluations that highlight the consumers salient beliefs about the function consequences (PO: 8th edition: 2008). This combination creates the attitude towards the behavior or action where we can see the overall manifestation of evaluation of performing the behavior. For marketers the measurements of these beliefs are important and the same method is used to measure beliefs about product attributes. attitudes towards behaviors are likely to be strongly related to specific behavioral intentions (PO: 8th edition: 2008) Thus in continuation if behavioral intentions and actions become more specific towards an object then this strongly changes attitudes toward the salient beliefs and consequences of the behavior moreover forming different evaluations. This is important as marketers must be careful to determine whether they are concerned with consumers attitudes toward the object in general or some action regarding the object (PO: 8th edition: 2008) for the measurement of strengths and evaluations of salient beliefs about the consequences. For example it would not be odd to find that a consumer enjoys eating take away fish and chips occasionally, but they would have negative attitudes toward eating takeaway fish and chips everyday as this behavior would have negative consequences and would not be perceived as a favourable or popular among other people. The levels of specificity should be appropriate in relation to attitudes as more specific actions will see the need for different behaviours the measured intention should be specified at the same level as the observer (PO: 8th edition: 2008) other wise the relationship between measured behavioural intentions and observed behaviour will be weakened. This relates to appropriateness of specific behavior in specific situations, for example if a person wore jeans to the gymnasium for a work out, the observed behaviour by the social norm would think it is inappropriate.          Social Norm is another key element in the theory of reasoned action as this reflects consumers perceptions of what other people want them to do (PO: 8th edition: 2008). This of course is directly linked with behavioral intention and the individuals compliance to the expected social normative beliefs. Measured in probability of individuals motivation to conform to the subjective social norm, similar technique to how behavioral intention and belief strength is measured. If the subjective norm is higher then than intentional strength, then the behavior is evaluated under normative control rather than attitude linked control. In addition another hugely important factor is time, time is the major predictive accuracy of measured intentions, the longer the intervening time period, the more unanticipated circumstances (PO: 8th edition: 2008) consumer intentions and attitudes change over time and the longer it takes between measurement of intentions and observation of behavior the more likely other factors adjust the original intention so that it no longer corresponds to the observed behavior. Thus marketers must expect lower levels of predictive accuracy when intentions are measured long before the behavior occurs (PO: 8th edition: 2008) In 1985 the Fishbein model was modified once again with an additional variable of perceived control in the Theory of Planned Behaviour, this variable assumes that the consumer does not have complete voluntary control over some behaviors, if this is the case then we assume that the intentions are misleading which would create inaccuracies observed behavior. Addictions to smoking and alcohol would deter perceived control where he or she has little or not control, in comparison to someone walking into a supermarket and with out going through any cognitive or decision making processes picks up a Cadbury bar instead of a Mars bar. But do consumers really approach and purchase products in the same fashioned way by the theory outlined? The theory is required to be falsifiable, and looking at different perspectives of authors, critiques and methods of application in real time environments we can come to a better understanding of whether this theory is accurate or not Like any other theory posed in the past, the theory of reasoned action has been under criticism for the past 30 years, The theory of reasoned action identifies the types of cognitive and affective factors that underlie a consumers intention to perform a specific behavior, although intentions determine most voluntary behaviors, measures of consumers intentions may not be perfect indicators of the actual intentions that determine the behavior (PO: 8th edition: 2008) According to PO, the theory of reasoned action gives possible motives, triggers and possible cognitive and decision making processes that determines peoples behaviors through behavioural intentions, The intentions themselves are not solid indicators that people will actually perform those behaviors. According to David Trafimow in his Journal Theory of Reasoned Action: A case Study of Falsification in Psychology (2009; 19; 501) David Trafimow poses a question which is also posed by Miniard and Cohen (1981) that criticises two key components, what if behavioural beliefs normative beliefs are really different names for each other? and as a consequence Trafimow underlines that there is a conceptual problem with the theory of reasoned action. The suggested illustration of a behavior is eating a chocolate bar; the behavioral belief is my father will disagree with me if I eat a chocolate bar and the normative belief is my father thinks I should not eat a chocolate bar. This clearly suggests that there is a contradiction in the theory where it states that behavioral beliefs and normative beliefs have a clear distinction. As a result of this contradiction the theory is left rendered unfalsifiable (Trafimow: 2009; 19; 501) so if this distinction is considered incorrect then surely attitud e and subjective norms subject for question? In contrast to the theory of reasoned action researchers believe that attitude contains both affective and cognitive variables (Trafimow 2009; 19; 501), (Triandis 1980). Factor analysis is used on this assumption to test and determine the conception of attitude by many researchers; however Trafimow indicates that researchers limiting themselves to factor analysis paradigms would in no way seem to falsify the theory. Instead, Trafimow Sheeran (1998) include auxiliary assumptions to assume an associative hypothesis to test on participants associative pathways if beliefs that are more cognitive are likely to become associated with each other compared to beliefs that are more affective. The results substantiates the hypothesis, The participants in the study contiguously retrieved cognitive beliefs to each other and affective beliefs to each other; therefore it brings us to an essential assumption about the theory of reasoned action attitudes do not contain distinctive and affective comp onents (Trafimow Sheeran, 1998) As a result of this falsification it is this reason that the theory has directed the modification to apply distinction in the Ajzen and Fishbein model (2005). The application of theory of reasoned action in marketing environment research methods          Trafimows method of auxiliary assumptions to falsify theories has shown us that the theory of reasoned action is used widely by many researchers and marketers nevertheless it is still not an unconditional technique. Personally, the theory is still an assumption and it does not accurately illustrate consumers approach to the purchase of products, as shown by Trafimows case study the theory is proving unfalsifiable and has critical conceptual problems that would need to be addressed before this theory could be used to show accurate results, but even then human psychology and behavior studies are still in the dark ages and achieving that is a accomplishment for the future generations.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Concept of Tyranny in Literature Essay -- Tyranny Plato John Locke
The Concept of Tyranny in Literature All social contract theorists and classical thinkers understand tyranny to be someone (or government) with unrestrained power that is unjust or unfair to the body, it governs. They each share some views about the effects of tyranny but they have different views on the preventions and the circumstances that give rise to tyranny. In the end, Locke has the most effective ideas as opposed to Plato and Hobbes. Although, they are all equally great minds, based on the democracy that Americans hold true, Locke’s analysis can be the only logical means of proposed prevention. The first author, who takes particular concern with the concept of tyranny, is Plato in his work the The Republic. He perceives tyranny as a â€Å"dictatorship and the dictatorial man†(Porter 84) that â€Å"evolve[s] from democracy†(Porter 84). Circumstances that appear to give rise to tyranny, according to Plato, would be the â€Å"pure wine of liberty†(Porter 84) that seeps into the houses’ of man and breeds anarchy, such as in democracy. The people become slaves to the excessive servitude of keeping liberty with no restraints and rulers are unable to act without restricting someone’s liberty. These rulers are incapable of properly ruling because they cannot trample on the liberty of their subjects, or they will become considered â€Å"foul oligarchs†(Porter 84) and this further generates anarchy through the lack of rules and punishments the rulers can place on the city. It is the people who elevate â€Å"one man as their champio n above all others†(Porter 86) and at first it is a good society because he does not claim to be a ruler but â€Å"freed people from debt and redistributed the land to the people†(Porter 86-87). This create... ...ll effective today, with laws to keep power from consummating in one area, on the Locke theories. It is much more realistic because Plato’s view is a society that is not acceptable by the people, especially not allowing the guardians to keep their own children, to eliminate the idea of inheriting rights, and our basic principals of society have transformed since his time from hierarchy, harmony, and mutual obligation to equality, competition, and self-interest. Hobbes is also not appropriate because his cynical attitude towards men is not appealing to society and the sovereign aspect is not suitable in a democratic nation. Locke proves to be the most effective in today’s government and nations across the world because we have our separation of powers to ensure that the accumulation of power in the government never occurs, and our voting system to ensure equality.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
MP3 File Sharing Hurts America Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essay
MP3 File Sharing Hurts America Before the present time of computers and various media player technology, trading music files on the internet was practically unheard of. Today MP3 music files have become file format that is widely â€Å"swapped†over the internet. The problem with trading MP3's is that it violates copyright laws. However, this hasn’t stopped the tens of millions of file sharing software users who continue swap MP3’s. MP3 piracy is a costly business for many companies, and the disadvantages outweigh the advantages of â€Å"P2P†file sharing. File sharing is a costly, illegal practice that hurts not only the consumers, but the artists as well. MP3 is a relatively new form of piracy, only being around for about ten years. The fact that the MP3 format takes up as little as one megabyte for a one minute clip, makes it an attractive storage factor for pirates. And with the CD-R and CD-RW drives, people can convert MP3 files to common CD format, burn to a CD, and play in any CD player, and be listening to a mix of their favorite songs within a half hour of downloading the song. With MP3 players becoming more and more popular options in cars, you can burn MP3 files directly to a CD without converting to a standard audio file and have over six hours of music on a single CD! â€Å"It is estimated that such illegal product costs the music industry more than 300 million dollars a year domestically.†This is why the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is taking a strong stance against MP3 piracy. The damage done to the recording industry in lost profits, increased prices, and lost jobs is overwhelming. In an attempt to put a damper on file swapping, and recapture lost revenue the RIAA has been suing people ... ... released in January that surveyed 1,358 Internet users in late fall found the number of Americans downloading music dropped by half from six months earlier, with 17 million fewer people doing it nationwide. I find that to be an impressive figure. The damage done to the music industry as well as genuine consumers of the music industry is huge. Online pirates are costing the music industry millions and millions of dollars in lost revenue. The chances of these pirates being caught are constantly increasing. Even though the anti-piracy organizations have made considerable progress, their current anti-piracy methods will not completely stop online piracy. Until these organizations can increase copyright protection, and inform the uneducated pirates who believe their points are valid, they will be fighting an up hill battle, no matter how many lawsuits they file.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Injustices Exposed in Alan Patons Cry the Beloved Country :: Cry, The Beloved Country Essays
Cry the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton, is the story of the two fictional characters, Stephen Kumalo and James Jarvis, who lose their sons in South Africa in 1948. In his story, Alan Paton used the George Hegel's Dialect of thesis, antithesis, synthesis, in order to expose social injustices in a microcosm of South Africa that correlate to the macrocosm of the issues faced by the entire country and what must be done to fix these injustices. Paton subdivided his story into three books. The first of these books, depicts the Journey of Stephen Kumalo, to try and restore his family, is a cry against injustice. The second book focused mainly on James Jarvis’s plight to understand his deceased son, depicts the yearning for justice. While the final book displays the restoration and repair of the injustices derived from the yearning for justice. The society of the small urban town called Ndotsheni, from which both Stephan and Author come, is based largely on the native African tribal system. This town also suffers from a drought that drives away the young men to work in the mines of Johannesburg. Johannesburg directly contradicts Ndotsheni with no tribal system and the brake down of the moral fibers of its people. Yet in Johannesburg there is also hope for the future and ideas that help lead to the restoration of Ndotsheni. During the time the story is set in Johannesburg the reader is introduced to two exceptionally different characters. The first is John Kumalo, the brother of Stephen Kumalo. He is a corrupt politician with the voice of a â€Å"lion,†but a week hart, who spoke about the injustices of the whites to the blacks and their need to revolt. The other an enlightened priest, Msimangu, who prayed for loving and restoration through coming to amends. Their influences help to shape Kumalo into a new per son. Furthermore, throughout his story Paton stresses the idea of irresponsibility contradicted by individual responsibility. Eventually the idea of unified responsibility is shown to be the only manor by which South Africa can be saved. The partied society in place when Paton wrote Cry the Beloved Country was one of extreme racial inequality and injustice. Paton wrote the first book of his story as a protest to this injustice. This book begins with the description of Ndotsheni and the land that surrounds it.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Advantage and Disadvantage Democracy Essay
I went to Shannon Vile for a special holiday. I stayed there for two days. In the last day of my trip, I went to the beach again. The view of the sea was extremely beautiful. I walked alone along the beach to absorb the fresh air from the sea. The beach was absolutely beautiful and had a lot of brilliant people on the beach. Some people played volleyball and some people walked along the beach like me. When I reached a small coffee shop, I felt thirsty.In the coffee shop had a lot of people, but among them had a beautiful lady who wore a red hat and black glasses. She sat alone and watched a photo. When I came next to her, I found that the person on the photo was me. I wondered why she got my photo. At first, I thought that she was my friend. When I saw her face, I knew clearly that she was not my friend. I asked her why she got this photo. She said that she got it when she walked along the street and it was on her way, so she picked it up. She was very friendly. We had a conversation for hours.She had many things in common with me. We had fun together and she said that it was a hilarious that she has never met before. We felt delighted and enjoyed our talking in the beautiful beach. Since then, she became my best friend and we have good relationship with each other until present time. Experience of Being Alone In the Forest Last month, I had a Journey to the forest. I went there alone and I brought some foods with me. To reach the middle of the forest took about two hours. I felt extremely exhausted. When I reached the middle of the forest, I decided to have a top.The landscape In the forest was wonderful and there were many big trees. I had lunch alone in the forest and I took a nap for ten minutes after the lunch time. After taking a nap, I read a book. The title of the book was â€Å"Watch Out of the BeÃ’Â «. When I read this book, I knew some strategies to protect myself from the bears. I came into the forest because I wanted to have a brilliant experi ence of being alone in the forest. I was reading and eating at the same time. While I was reading, I heard a strange sound behind me. I looked around but I did not see anything.I only saw the big trees surround me. I continued my reading for five minutes. I heard the strange sound again. Immediately, I turned back and I saw a big bear behind me. It seemed like a cruel bear. I felt nervous and I did not know how to do. The big bear wanted to attack me, but I tried my best to escape from this bad situation. I ran and screamed without turning back to find the safety place that the bear could not find. After that I knew that I had left my leather bag and everything there. So after this event, I have
American Indians (Native Americans) Drug And Alcohol Use
People who engages in substance abuse like drugs, alcohol and tobacco have their own different reason, some maybe complicated but whets evident is that the society plays a significant role why theses people are involve in substance abuse. The consequence for this abuse is seen in our hospitals and emergency departments through the direct damage to health by substance abuse and its relation to physical trauma. Those who are jailed and go to prison are known to have a strong connection to substance abuse and dependence.A high percentage of this substance abuse is very evident among the American Natives. American Natives are the indigenous people from the region of North Africa now encompassed by the continental United States. They comprise a large number of distinct tribes and ethnic groups, they are also known as American Indians or the first nation’s people. American Indians represent a unique population within the U. S not only because of their oppression suffered from the de velopment of the country but also in gaining recognition. The long history of oppression in the U.S. had a devastating effect on the health and well-being of the natives. The history of these people includes the colonization, outlawing their practices and languages and forced relocation, which created the mistrust on the U. S programs. This event continues to affect the experiences of the natives which are impacted by poverty, ill health, family violence and drug and alcohol abuse. According to the survey made by the National Household survey on Drug Abuse about fifty percent of teenagers nowadays are engage in alcohol drinking.The figures show that 80 percent of these are Natives youth engaging in both alcohol drinking and drug use. This happens because these youths are predisposed to different factors like cultural conflict, post-traumatic stress and low self esteem that increase the risks of these youth to additional hazards in their environment. (Gale 2000) According to the repo rts made by the NSDUH, among the other racial groups, American Indians suffer from substance abuse greatly. The National Drug survey and health examines the rates of substance abuse like drugs and alcohol among the American Indians aged 12 and older.During 2002-2005, American Indians aging 12 and above are already engaged in alcohol drinking. American Indians male shows a high percentage of drinking than those of the other racial groups in the past year. This report also shows that American Indians have high percentage than other racial groups in terms of drug use and disorders. (Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders among American Indians and Alaska Natives 2007) A national Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention task Force was established under the National Congress of American Indians in September 2000.This aim for the leadership involvement and expand the efforts and membership of the National committee to include a wider and more diverse geographically representative group of Tribal leaders throughout Indian Country. This helps prevent the tribes, tribes’ leaders, elders, adults and youth recognize the value of preventing alcohol and substance abuse to preserve the overall well being of the community, the culture and traditions. It developed and established a strong political leverage that will support initiatives for alcohol and substances abuse prevention in Indian country.It also aims to improve the incidence of alcohol and substance neglect for any adult and youth and to recognize that prevention must take place for all our people, not just early life and that it is a long development. Approximately 1. 5% of the U. S is composed of these Native Americans which are American Indians, and with this high percentage is the problem it inflicts as well. Traditional natives’ values when clashed with the values of the domain society, cultural conflict arise. Native youth are mostly affected by this are caught up in confusion about their identity and self image.Conflicts arise in coping up with their adolescence as well as to their identity as an Indian. This may produce a harmful effect in terms of the racial discrimination and oppression that they may get involve with because of their native background, hence this becomes a factor for native youth to engage in alcohol and drug abuse as a form of an escape from the society to which they belong. Because of the pressure and the stress due to the cultural conflict related to the low socio-economic status among the natives this causes a great increase in the risks of those who are engaged in alcohol and substance abuse.Acculturation is one of the many factors why natives engage in substance abuse. This is a stressful and causes a lot of conflict for the natives in order to cope with the stress and pressure alcohol and drug use are often the coping mechanism in this situation. An approach used to prevent substance abuse among the American Indians is called bicultural c ompetence skills. This approach helps American Indian youth to combat the substance use and its related problem. This was first advanced by LaFromboise, wherein its way is to blend the adaptive values and roles of both the culture in which they are raised and by which they are surrounded.Its roles are in the knowledge and practice in communication, coping, and discrimination skills which provide the theoretical foundation in the prevention of substance abuse to the American native’s youth. Knowledge and practice in the bicultural skills can occur through cognitive and behavioral principles drawn from the social learning theory. Directed by learning theory, cognitive values of information, problem solving, and self-instruction can be merged with behavioral principles of nonverbal and verbal communication, coaching, and social network building.(Schinke 2007) This gives the American Indians to individualize themselves for them to for the better coping up abilities and helps mana ge stress related situation. This approach gives them an idea of the things that they are not familiar with and with this adaptation through learning is much easier. DISCUSSION National attention to the health hazards and societal costs attributed to substance abuse use led to sharply decreased tolerance for any use of elicit drugs or abuse of elicit drugs alcohol and tobacco.The percentage of young people reporting substance use has been high although out the United States even those belonging to the ethnic groups like the American Indians. Many factors are to be considered on why these groups of people engage in alcohol and substance abuse. American Natives known as the American Indians are one of the widest ethnic groups that are in the United States. Although consider a minor to many, this group of people have high increase in problems that are associated with drinking and substance abuse like the use of drugs.This Minority like in other people in the state are in the over use o f drugs and excessive drinking. Factors like stress, pressure among the youth especially with teens, coping mechanism for some and most of all the oppression and culture conflict that arises are the contributors to the high percentage of Native Americans misuse of alcohol and drugs. Reports shows that a high percentage of these Native comprises of the most involved racial group in substance abuse and disorders. Even the minors are drawn out from this type of scenarios.Among the racial groups in the United States, 60% of these people are engage in alcohol and drug use including the youth and still continue to rise. This is one of the major problems that are encountered by the Government in the States and the American Indians leaders. Cultural conflict this is one of the predisposing factors why substance abuse and disorders arises. When the culture of the American Indians are collides with the dominant groups, conflicts arises specially to the beliefs and values of these Natives. Dis crimination usually occur creating confusion and loss of self esteem among the natives.The imposed culture is cannot easily be integrated by the natives causing a confusion and dilemma within their part. In order to cope up with this situation this people find drinking and drug use a form of an escape from the pressure of the domain society they are in. It has been very crucial for the Native Americans to adjust to the culture that is imposed to them given to them because of the less support and rights they are getting from the Government. It has caused them a lot of stress to incorporate all the beliefs and values that they have no knowledge about causing a great struggle to the culture they are brought up with.This high incidence of drinking and drug abuse is also very evident among the American Indians youth. At the studies that was conducted in the United States regarding minor drinking and drugs use, a high percentage of this comprises the American Indians youth. Mostly the rea son why youth are engage in these activities is because of the peer pressure they are involved with. This problem of the youth regarding their peers is mostly about the racial issues they are in, in order to identify themselves with the domain society they tend to follow what is done by those people regardless if its beneficial for them or not.Youth of the American Indians are on a very critical situation because of the Native background they have. Due to this culture conflict still arises and it is hard for the teens to identify themselves and tend to loose their own identity because of the presented situation. Due to this pressure arises among other youths and in order for them to identify and belong they are easily influenced to engage in drinking and drug abuses. Another factor why Natives have a high percentage of alcohol and drug abuse is that in terms of their economic status.Most of the natives have a low socio-economic life that is very evident in the type of living they ar e in. Since the natives are given less recognition and support their economic life has not improved since. Due to this as a created pressure is added to the natives causing them to withdraw from the society and engage in drinking. This drinking becomes habitual and eventually becomes an excess or over use causing drinking related disorders. Some after engaging in drinking also use drugs as a form of escape to the reality that is against them.Problems that arise because of this factor is very evident among the Natives now even the yearly surveys regarding the American Natives shows a high and still rising percentage of drugs and alcohol misuse. These Natives are not given much recognition and are oppressed mainly of their rights that it is why it is hard for them to cope up with the environment and imposed culture that they are in. The society plays much of a big role on how these Native Americans are persuaded to engage in alcohol drinking. The society that they are in accepts drink ing in their culture where it is seen to the daily activities of these people.Not ware of the damage it has on them because of the domain society’s involvement in this they tend to engage on it as well hoping that this would help them in coping up with the society. Alcohol has become the primary substance of abuse among American Indians. It has accounted of about 62% of all those who have been admitted of those being treated. The prevalence of this alcohol abuse is high on both men and women. Marijuana is the most elicited drug of choice among American Indians, it was reported that 12% of those being admitted are treated because of this.Drug abuse and excessive alcohol has a great impact on health. Most of those who engage in this are predispose to the different problems regarding their health. Alcohol has a great effect on the body as this cause depression to the central nervous system, as a depressant it has a great effect on the functions of the brain. Most of the people t hat are engage in excessive alcohol drinking have been reported to have brain malfunction causing a slow impulse and movement in the brain. Alcohol causes liver disease and most of the people who are alcoholics die because of the liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis which is fatal.Those that are into drinking are also at risk to cancer and sexually transmitted diseases. Drugs interfere with the brain's ability to take in, sort, and synthesize information. They distort perception, which can lead users to harm themselves or others. Drug use also affects sensation and impairs memory. Many approaches have been used in order to compensate in the high percentage of the Native Americans that are engaged in alcohol and drug abuse. Programs like youth organization have been established for better self actualization and esteem building which provides the framework for the youth.Peer support groups and other programs ranging in traditional cultural practices like dancing, sweat lodge, or oth er ceremonies are initiated to provide a sense of feeling of the individual’s tribal pride and unity would be transmitted. The Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse program was developed by the U. S. government. This has been established by the public law 106-553, which provides the funding and technical assistance to federally recognized government to plan, develop, implement and enhance tribal justice strategies involving alcohol and crime related and substance abuse.The objective of this program is to establish a multidisciplinary advisory team plan, to implement and monitor the propose strategy. It identifies and prosecutes individuals who illegally transport and distribute and used the alcohol and substances to tribal communities. The government also established a National Indian Alcohol and Substance Taskforce which assists the tribe leaders and their youth in the prevention of alcohol and substance abuse and assist to their personal healing, recovery and lifetime wellness .It also helps in the improvement of the life of the American Indians families and communities in enhancing their cultural preservation, the upholding in the dignity and autonomy of the Indian Nations. It also gives focus to leadership and deals with the devastating problem of alcohol and substance abuse of the country. This task force is working with the federal government Agencies in obtaining a consistent funding to support the different programs regarding the alcohol and drug abuse. The U. S. Department of Justice supports tribe groups’ efforts to deal with alcohol and substance abuse in communities where Natives live.This community is composed of the Indian tribes and native villages which they create an appropriate approach to address the alcohol and substance abuse. The Government provides the resources needed by the Indian Countries in order to create the awareness, conduct prevention and intervention that would help control alcohol and drug abuse. The government is a lso giving privilege to the tribal leaders to create policies that would help in eradicating alcohol and drug abuses among the Natives. 90% of arrests that have been reported by the Tribal law enforcement are caused by alcohol related problems.The arrests made were conducted on the small group of individuals in the community comprising of the tribal justice system, health service system and family support system. This law enforcement taskforce often experience high violent crime and offenders that are associated with drug and alcohol abuse which make it hard for the tribal communities to keep peace and order. The drug Court Discretionary Grant program is one the many programs that helps aid and fund assistance to the states, courts and local services that is needed to help the government to lessen the alcohol and drug offenders.This program is aimed on nonviolent offenders and is targeted to implement a drug court based components. It supports the drug court implementation and impro vement of the technical assistance that is directed to the National Dug court Training and Technical Assistance Program in increasing the knowledge of those that are in the drug court practitioners plan to carry on efficient drug programs giving emphasis on the roles and trainings that would develop teams and coordinated study on treatment system. The Nevada Urban Indians, Inc.substance abuse program is dedicated to providing quality outpatient treatment. Efforts are made to help each client become aware of the relationship between substance use and the effects it may have on the individual’s life. The client deals with feelings and behaviors that are a result of substance abuse or dependency. It is a program concerned with the culture and helps attempt to guarantee that the client is treated with respect. In this program the client is to learn the impact of substance abuse to their life.Its goal is to restore the client’s life productively and to help the client to le arn ways on how he/she would be able to adapt to the changes and the different stressors that are present nowadays. The department of education has provided a safe and drug free program on the schools, this provides the support on the school to help assist in the communities in preventing drug and alcohol abuse and violence. This program grants the technical assistance and training for the school.The American Indian Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (AIRRTC) identify the need to address the increase dependency of American Indians to drug and alcohol. Many research findings shows that alcohol and drug abuse among the American Indians are often associated with certain circumstances in their lives which affects the rate of employment opportunities to American Indians because of the myth that is tagged to the American Indians. Employees that are American Indians are in struggle to get a job because of they are faced with employers that stereotypes them.All these programs are m ade available by the Government in the attempt to help improve the increasing percentage of the American Indians that are engaged in alcohol and substance abuse. Aiming to somehow if not totally eradicate but lessen the incidence of the Natives involvement in substance abuse. These programs somehow are trying to aid the level of living and acceptance of the natives regarding their situation and help to somehow uplift the standard of that living. CONCLUSIONAlcohol and drug abuse are known to be a major health problems on American Indians nowadays. Efforts in the treatment and prevention of this may be more effective if the approach that it is going to undergo is if the native’s way and beliefs are also incorporated. It is not enough that programs are established but what is important is that it is implemented and actions are taken among the leaders to actually put into works all the said programs that have been funded by the Government.It is important also to involve the Nativ es in the different programs that the government has for them not only those that are engaged in alcohol and drug abuse but also those that are not in order to prevent them from doing the same thing. It is important that the youth are educated regarding the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol to them and it is important that they are able to identify themselves on the community they belong. It is important that the American Indians youth are given the emphasis because of the developmental stage they are in.Parents should be able to give the support and information needed to their minors in order to reduce the alcohol and drug related problems. It is important when addressing to this situation the culture of the American Natives is not neglected and should be given a more emphasis. The culture that they belong would help improvement in understanding why these natives are engaged in alcohol and drug abuse. Through the Government and other leaders could develop a program not only for the improvement of those under the substance abuse but even those that are risk for it.It is important that the programs that are implemented would coincide with the beliefs or the culture of this people so that it would not be hard for them to integrate the programs they are undergoing. It is important that the Natives are aware of the effects of drugs and alcohol to their body as this is significant in their health. It is important also that the government should somehow recognize the other needs of these Natives that are contributing to the prevalence of alcohol and drug abuse.It is important that every aspect should be examined in order to give a better option for the improvement of the programs that are addressed to these situations. Health care facilities should also be readily available to the Natives; this would aid in the awareness to their health and would somehow improve their knowledge regarding the effects of these abusive substances to their health. The government and the Natives leader should coordinate with each other more often so that the needs and improvements regarding the treatment and other related problems regarding these natives are addressed.Support and recognition should be given to these natives. It is important that they should be given the same privileges and recognition as those of the domain society. They should not discriminated instead the culture and beliefs that they have should be respected so that this would help boost the moral confidence of the Natives and would aid in determining their identity I therefore recommend further studies should be conducted on the Native Americans response regarding the treatment and the program should be further evaluated.The programs are in the right path of addressing to the problem but there is lack of support and people that are engage are not enough to meet the demands of the high percentage of alcohol and drug abuse. References: American Indians and Alaska Natives in Substance Abuse Tre atment: 1999. 2002. The DASIS report:1-4. Gale, Nancy. 2000. Fighting Alcohol and Substance Abuse among American Indian and Alaskan Native Youth. ERIC Digest. . ERIC Digest. Gordon, Jacob U. 2005. Managing Multiculturalism in Substance Abuse Services: Sage Publications Inc. Jeanette Valentine, Judith Ann De Jong, Nancy Jean Kennedy. 1998.Substance Abuse Prevention in Multicultural Communities. 1-12 vols. Vol. 12: Haworth Press. Mario De la Rosa, Richard Bernard Segal, and Lopez. 1999. Conducting Drug Abuse Research with Minority Populations: Advances and Issues. 1-14 vols. Vol. 14: Haworth Press Schinke, Steven P. 2007. Preventing Substance Abuse among American-Indian Adolescents: A Bicultural Competence Skills Approach. Pub Med Central Journal List. Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders among American Indians and Alaska Natives. 2007. The NSHUD Report:1-4. Stimmel, Barry. 1984. Cultural and Sociological Aspects of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse: Haworth Press.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Case for Repositioning a Bank Essay
ANZ bank is over 170 years old providing a range of banking and financial products and services to more than 5.7 million retail customers on a global scale (case). . Offering 817 branches and 2600 automated teller machines (ATMs) all over Australia, ANZ is ranked in the top 4 banks in Australia along with Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia Bank Ltd (NAB) and Westpac Banking Corporation. This report will identify the current position of ANZ, and how they are attempting to reposition themselves in the financial services industry. The case highlights the strengths and weaknesses of ANZ and how effective their current marketing strategy is. The strengths of ANZ which have been identified in the case are their highly customised bankcards, their trustworthy image and reputation, knowledgeable staff and the size of the firm. ANZ’s weaknesses are that their products are quite easy to imitate due to such intangibility, they are at the bottom compared to their competitors, the communication gap occurring through the reposition of their new brand and the inflexibility due to the large structure of the bank. This paper will explore two of ANZ’s main strategic issues which are the communication gap of through the repositioning and rebranding as well as ANZ’s competition in the financial industry. Key Strategic Marketing Issues The banking industry is very well established and has a limited selection of different products. Due to few substitute products, firms in the industry will find it hard to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Chenet, Dagger, & O’Sullivan (2010) state that, differentiation is important because firms uniqueness is linked to target market focus, client-perceived value and competitive advantage. In result of ANZ’s lack of communicating their service quality, limited product diversity and lack of unadaptable strategies they are ranked number four of the top four banks. ANZ needs to address the amount of ATMs it has throughout the country. Compared to its major competitors, ANZ is one of the banks with the least amount of ATMs available to its customers with almost half the amount of ATMs compared to NAB. Theory ANZ is rebranding and repositioning itself it the market to appear more appealing to customers. They are moving from an outdated brand and position of ‘ANZ Now’ to a new brand identity and positioning strategy of ‘We live in your world’ implying a modern and fresh new feel to the company. Throughout the rebranding and repositioning process, ANZ is using a customer-led marketing approach by trying to find what customers want and giving it to them (Hooley, Piercy & Nicoulaud, 2012). However, ANZ is a very large firm which affects rebranding, creating a gap in the communication between the firm and their consumers. The slogan ‘We live in your world’ has been adapted to try and differentiate ANZ from its competitors in terms of customer satisfaction; however it has not been aimed consistently across all ANZ’s communication activities. This has resulted in confusion of the customers as well as a lack of awareness of ANZ’s message. Mayer (1975) found that larger firms can generally find it harder than a smaller firm to implement change across the whole organisation effectively and efficiently. Resources and Capabilities A resource is anything that is considered to be thought of as a strength or weakness of a firm and may be defined as those tangible and intangible assets that are tied to the firm (Wernerfelt, 1984). ANZ’s resources include the products they offer, size of the firm, the knowledgeable staff and the strong trust with their customers. ANZ seeks to â€Å"attract and develop the best connected and most respected people to be a part of the ANZ team†(ANZ, 2014). Having knowledgeable and highly skilled staff allows for a financial institution to create superior returns, thus a competitive advantage (lulow, V., Gerstman, J., & Barry, C. 2003). The size of ANZ allows ease of access to funds which will appeal to their customers through providing loans, insurance, small business and corporate. Having a strong brand image and a good reputation, ANZ have had the opportunity to build trust with their customers. The large size of a firm can be a strength; however in turn can be a weakness. Mayer, T. (1975) identified that large banks have the potential to fail if customer service is overlooked. Due to the large amount of customers ANZ has, there is the possibility that relationships with customers may diminish. Furthermore, due to the large size of the firm ANZ may appear as inflexible and changes within the organisation may take a long time, such as the current repositioning of the firm. Creating confusing amongst consumers as the message is not being communicated effectively across all of ANZ. Competitive Advantage ANZs major competitive advantage over their main competitors is this highly customised bankcards they currently offer to their customers. ANZ have used a customer-led marketing approach with their bankcards, as this approach finds what customers want, and give it to them (Hooley, Piercy & Nicoulaud, 2012). This fits in well with their brand image they are trying to communicate; ‘We live in your world’. Rather than just providing bank cards to their customers as the other major banks do ANZ customises their cards allowing their customers to choose what colour card they want and further using their own pictures on their bank cards. This is giving the customers the chance to create their own products. These customised bank cards have given ANZ a first mover advantage allowing them to enjoy the protection of a resource position barrier (Wernerfelt, 1984). However, Barney (1991) states that to have a ‘sustained competitive advantage’ competitors are unable to duplicate the benefits of this strategy. The customised bank cards may not last that long as a major competitive advantage due to other firms being able to easily imitate what ANZ have done. Strategic Fit Skinner (1969) suggested that for a firm to strategically fit, they need to tailor their production systems to perform the tasks that are vital to success and consistent with the firm’s strategy. The current marketing strategy of ‘We live in your world’ is ANZs new an innovative fresh outlook on branding for the organisation. The strategic planning and strategic marketing of this strategy must penetrate the whole market orientation not just small sections (Hooley, Piercy & Nicoolaud, 2012). This current strategy although isn’t fitting with the needs and requirements of the market. The failure of communication between ANZs resources and capabilities is causing the new strategy to not be implemented properly to its audience (Narver & Slater, 1990). The strategy adapted isn’t connecting with their customers their desired outlook of what they wish to be perceived as. ANZ wants their consumers to focus on them being ‘trustworthy’ and ‘traditional’ but as of now they aren’t practicing what they preach. This is shown with customers feeling confused and unaware of the new adapted strategy. As Hooley, Piercy & Nicoolaud (2012) have found the marketing strategy needs to be aligned with the overall the relevant resources, capabilities so direction can be achieved and then the overall context of corporate strategy will be accomplished. Recommendation To ensure the repositioning of ANZ is effective, they need to communicate to their consumers more effectively. Rust, Moorman, and Dickson, (2002) found that â€Å"customers differentiate between service firms on the basis of service quality†. Therefore, ANZ need to offer superior customer service through the use of their highly skilled and knowledgeable staff. The best way for ANZ to differentiate their selves is through superior quality. Farrell, Hitchens, & Moffat (1993) found that, superior quality is an effective management strategy as it helps separate firms from competitive rivalry by creating customer loyalty.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Comparing the Fall of Han China and Roman Empire Essay
Han China and Rome were two of the most powerful and popular empires of their time, but they fell like any other empire before them. Han China and Rome’s Empires had the same causes for their declines, but their effects are different. The major reasons for the fall of Rome are truly those that have to do with Rome’s political and economic state. One of the Rome’s problems prior to its fall was the lack of respect for authority, among the citizens and military forces. All the attacks from the barbarians caused problems in the military. This basically led to a lot of political turmoil because of all the chaos that was born, and it started to make the military crumble as well. Rome’s economy started to go downhill too, after a long period of time, especially because of the gold. The Romans started using gold (coins) and because of that the trade shortage of the eastern regions of the Empire served to block the growth of wealth in the west. The major reasons for Han China Empire’s fall were also because of their economic and political problems, but the effects are different. One of Han China’s problems was the uprising of desperate and hungry peasants. Another problem was their lack of authority to the Han government, which caused the economic problem. The Han Empire was being invaded by nomads, which were also known as barbarians. These barbarians kept invading the empire and made them have to keep fighting, and provide military forces. This worsened the economy and Han finances. Han government had to hire foreign soldiers who only wanted to be paid for their services which made the economy even worse.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Marketing Plan for a new Organic goods company Assignment - 1
Marketing Plan for a new Organic goods company - Assignment Example In this proposed marketing plan, a particular fruit i.e. organic apple has been taken into concern for promoting in the current organic fruit business industry of the UK. Now, the company is intending to expand its business in the emerging UK food business industry. In this regard, the proposed marketing proposal for the company would focus on critically analysing different marketing research tools such as PESTLE, SWOT and marketing segmentation strategies in the context of UK food industry. Additionally, the proposed marketing plan would also incorporate the process of selecting effective marketing approach and different actions in order to enable OABC to achieve its business objectives in the growing food industry of the UK. A financial plan, metrics and appropriate implementation as well as controlling process have further been illustrated for the company in order to attain success of its desired business objectives. Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2 2. Situation Analysis 4 2.1 PESTLE Analysis 4 2.2 SWOT Analysis 6 3. Market Segmentation 7 3.1 Targeting 8 3.2 Positioning 8 4. Objectives 9 5. Marketing Strategy 10 6. Marketing Programs 11 6.1 Marketing Mix Strategy 11 7. Financial Plans 12 8. Metrics & Implementation Controls 13 References 15 Bibliography 17 2. Situation Analysis The aspect of situational analysis involves the study of demonstrating the scenario with respect to external environmental factors of a country or a location, wherein the business to be performed (Grabosky & Braithwaite, 1993). The following situation analysis in the form of conducting PESTLE and SWOT would examine the major influencing factors in accordance with the business objectives of OABC. 2.1 PESTLE Analysis Political Factor Although the political condition of a country has major influence on a particular business, the adequate flexibility along with greater deregulatory policies within the political framework of the UK would eventually provide major opportunities for O ABC to market organic apples. The well-structured governmental regulations and the adequate balances of the regulatory processes in the UK have long been identified to provide extensive support for the foreign entrepreneurs. Therefore, the political factors would provide a major support for the company to successfully establish its business unit in the respective country (Coventry University, 2013). Economic Factor The economic factors such as income level of the consumers, interest rates portfolio, taxation programmes, exchange and inflation rates of the UK can also be considered to ensure providing adequate support to OABC in successfully achieving its desired financial goals. Specially mentioning, the higher economic growth with regard to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rate of the nation would also provide an effective support to the company to substantially market and promote its quality based highly nutritional organic apples (Agriculture Horticulture Development Board, 2013). So cial Factor In the context of social factor, the increasing number of adult population along with budding changes in their food habits would also facilitate OABC to effectively perform its business operations in the UK market. Moreover, the increasing diversity of the UK populaces along with greater mobility of the communities can also provide greater
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Impact of Social Media in US Elections.6 Research Paper
The Impact of Social Media in US Elections.6 - Research Paper Example Being a social network, application of social media has spread with a high momentum because of social interconnectivity that links friends and relatives. The Diffusion of innovation theory explains the trend that the social media has adopted and offers a basis for forecasting its future orientation. According to the theory, invention gains popularity and commands the society’s attention until a time when such attention fades. Rogers, the theory’s developer, proposed four stages that are expected of the social media, and its effects on US elections, in the future. The first stage of the model involves adoption by a small section of the society, innovators, who are willing to venture the innovation immediately after its development. The population section embraces possible risks that may discourage others. Following the innovators’ initiative is the adoption of a technology by early adopters whose population is higher than that of innovators. The population segment identifies leaders who do not need persuasion into a technology’s application and are flexible to implementing innovations. A larger percentage of the population into an innovation is the early majority who relies on evidence of the technology’s effects before adoption and an approximately equivalent proportion, the late majority, follows them. New users of the innovation then reduce as the model gets into the laggards’ phase (Boston University 1; Baran and Davis 282). The model therefore offers an insight into the possible trend and effects of the social media in the United States and two perspectives apply. If the people who adopt the social media technology at its earlier stages continue with its application then a cumulative impact can be derived over time because the social media will have a continually expanding audience. This however identifies the role of determining the media’s ability to retain users. Established rate of users’ retention also offers a basis for understanding trend of application and knowledge of the current stage of the innovation, based on the Diffusion of Innovation theory. The model’s variability with time can then offer insight into the future effects of social media on the elections. The theory further suggests an innovation’s effect of diminishing old media forms as the society adopts a new media application (Boston University 1). Shaw’s curve of the old media also offers a basis for understanding the trend in effect of the social media on US elections. Like in the diffusion theory, Shaw explains that an innovation gains popularity until a maximum level of audience before the number starts to decline and the time for the cycle depends on the scope of a preceding innovation or a newly developed innovation. Development of a better innovation may for example facilitate the cycle as the society moves to operate the new development. These concepts therefore offers the basis fo r understanding possible trends of the effect of social media on the elections that can be forecasted with knowledge of previous innovations and speculations of development of new applications for mass communication. Existing data over internet use that indicates high percentages suggests that application of the social media for communication is in advanced stages of the diffusion theory model. Application beyond 60 percent of the adult population indicates possibility of a late majority stage
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Hospice Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Hospice Care - Essay Example The concept spread widely in the United States and it was something outside the conventional healthcare system. The hospices at that time were funded through charities and there was volunteer staff that provided personalized care to the patients. Hospice was not known for being a place for care but rather a concept of care. As it established, the hospice leaders came together to formulate standards and guidelines for developing hospice care (Cartwright, Miller, & Volpin, 2009). In 1978, the National Hospice Organization (NHO) was developed and it provided a national forum for education, discussion, and support of hospice quality care standards. Medicare coverage was expanded by the Congress in 1983 to include hospice care. Hospice benefits were also offered by many private insurers as they recognized the compassion for hospice care and its cost effectiveness. The number of hospices and numbers of patients in hospices have increased gradually and in 1991, there were about 1,830 hospices serving about 212,000 patients throughout U.S. Today the hospice concept remains unchanged since its early days. The intention of a hospice is to create a setting where patients get relief from their pain and are able to find support to improve the quality of their remaining life. Hospices make the effort to create a setting in which people can die peacefully. Today the hospices are a part of the mainstream healthcare system of U.S (Groninger, 2012). Choosing a hospice care may have advantages and disadvantages. The major advantage of a hospice care is the availability of a care team which consists of professionals and volunteers. This comprehensive and interdisciplinary team is involved in understanding and taking care of the patient’s needs. The team includes nurses, physicians, social workers, and trained volunteers who fulfill the needs of the patients. Another
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Cell Components Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cell Components - Essay Example In many ways, plant cells are similar to other eukaryotic cells. They have (usually just) one nucleus, organelles, a plasma membrane, and (almost all of them) share connections to adjacent cells. Cell walls and chloroplasts are the major plant cell distinctive features (Bowes, 1996). Protein synthesis occurs at tiny organelles called ribosomes. Ribosomes are composed of a large subunit and a small subunit. Ribosomes can be found alone in the cytoplasm, in groups called polyribosomes, or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (Bowes, 1996). The cytoplasm is a jellylike substance. It contains the nucleus and other cell structures (organelles). The cytoplasm contains enzymes, and most of the chemical reactions take place there. Cytoplasm operates as a "molecular soup" that binds together all of the cell's organelles, and separates the organelles within the cell. Cytoplasm is believed to be the origin of cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton supports movement of the cell as well as its anatomy through the cytoplasmic streaming. This occurs when the cytoskeleton moves to press the cell membrane it is then when the cytoplasm moves and occupies the empty space (Francis, 1996). Work Cited Bowes, Bryan.G. (1996). A Color Atlas of Plant Structure. London, UK: Manson Publishing. Francis, Dennis. (2001). The Plant Cell Cycle and Its Interfaces. London, UK: CRC
Monday, September 9, 2019
Financial Report for Balance Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Financial Report for Balance Plc - Essay Example Guidelines are provided on how certain items of fixed assets should be accounted for, the components of cost are considered, a review of the useful life of a machine, the treatment of buildings bought for business use and buildings bought for investment purposes. Introduction The method of accounting for property plant and equipment sometimes poses a problem due to uncertainties about what should be included as part of cost and what should not be included. There are different methods of accounting for changes in the life of property, plant and equipment. However, the method chosen depends on the type of asset and whether it is specific to a particular entity. Accounting for investment property also has some technicalities in terms of when the fair value model should be considered and what constitutes an investment property. Cost of acquisition and treatment in the accounts The standard which applies to property, plant and equipment generally is IAS 16 – Property, Plant and Equ ipment. This standard was last revised in 2012 and considers among other things definitions, measurement, disclosures, valuation, and components of costs (Deloitte 2012). BPP (2009) provides a list of the items that should be included in the cost of property, plant and equipment are: i. Purchase price after deducting trade discounts and rebates; ii. Customs duties paid for importation of the item as well as other purchase taxes that are not refundable; iii. Direct costs that can be attributed to bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use including, costs of handling and delivery in the initial stages, installation, testing, site preparation, and professional fees; The standard also indicates costs that should not be included such as administration and general overheads; any losses incurred in the initial stages before the asset attains the level of planned performance; and start-up costs or any other cost incurred prior to the commencement of its use to produce goo ds and services (Melville 2011). It therefore means that the cost provided for Machine A should be revised as shown in Table 1 (See Appendix1). Table 1 shows the calculation of the cost of Machine A. The service contracts to June 2015 of ?57,000 represent prepaid expense for servicing the Machine A over the next three years and should be expensed over the period. Therefore, the relevant cost to be included in the accounts is ?943,000. The IFRS was amended based on discussions on matters that came to the attention of the standard setting body – the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) between 2009 and 2011. If the spare parts conforms to the definition of property, plant and equipment given in IAS 16 then it should be included. IFRS (2012a) defines property, plant and equipment are tangible items that are held for use in the manufacture of goods and services, for rental or for own business purpose and are expected to be used in excess of a 12 month period. The calcu lation in Table 1 assumes that the spare parts meet that definition. However, if it does not then it should be expensed and the cost of Machine A would be reduced to ?937,300. Additionally, if the amount of ?5,700 is considered immaterial then it should be
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Positioning Manufacturing Plants Away from US States Essay
Positioning Manufacturing Plants Away from US States - Essay Example 4 Discussion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 6 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 11 Abstract Several states in America, specifically the state of California, practice strict environmental compliance policies that become a burden to most manufacturing companies. The costs attributed to the improvement of environmental management and production process are very high, adding up the labor costs in the US. This theme case will explore the complexiti es of the given scenario and examine the possible management strategies by functioning as the company’s CEO. The causes and reason why American companies move their manufacturing operations to an offshore location will be determined, as well as its implication in the American work force and community. Product liability will also be the foundation of the discussion, focusing on the quality of the products to reduce product recalls and product liability lawsuits. Methods in improving the production process will also be tackled. ... This aspect is known as product liability. Heizer and Render (2011), the authors of the Operations Management book, describe this quality implication as a legislation that is implied to organizations that â€Å". . . design, produce or distribute faulty goods and services†. The organization is held liable to any form of damages or injuries that may be incurred with the use of faulty products. According to Polinsky and Shavell (2010), thousands of product liability cases are filed each year in different states in the US, as well as in federal courts. These cases include class or mass tort actions that involve thousands or millions of individuals as plaintiffs (Polinsky & Shavell, 2010). Product liability suits attract the attention of the media, especially in cases where the product being sued is a widely sold commodity that can affect a large number of consumers. This situation will also be detrimental to the company since it will create doubts from consumers and result to an abrupt decrease in product sales. In 1982, the market share of Tylenol greatly fell from 35% to 5% after incidents of death associated with ingestion of Tylenol contaminated capsules. Audi car sales were also affected during the mid-80s when reports spread that the automobile has a risk of suddenly accelerating which can cause accidents (Polinsky & Shavell, 2010). Significant effects of product liability and the strategy of outsourcing the production of goods and services will be discussed in this paper by analyzing a given theme case. The case provides a scenario wherein a CEO is faced with a challenge to suppress the effects of a product liability case associated with the allegation that one of their manufacturing plants had been involved in the improper
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Human enhancements and the race for space exploration Research Paper
Human enhancements and the race for space exploration - Research Paper Example It is for this reason that political rivalries such as the Soviet Union and the United States focused all their strengths and intelligence to show off the world about their capability enhancements on the other hand has improved especially in the medical sector. It is unclear how to classify enhancements that reduce disease and death and the arena of medicine has many practices that do not cure diseases or injuries such as preventative medicine, palliative, plastic surgery, obstetrics, fertility or cosmetic dental treatments (Roache, 1997). Can space exploration and human enhancements change the face of humanity as we now know it? [This is the first time you’ve mentioned space exploration. Before you launch into your questions, you need to introduce this thought and connect it more directly to human enhancements. This is confusing.]What enhancements have the possibility of changing the way we live on a day to day basis? Will these enhancements have a significant impact on Ameri can families? Scientists are working on amazing technology such as mapping the human genome, three billion chemical letters, centered around one minute molecule; human DNA. The possibility of understanding disease and the mechanism through which genes are transmitted through generations has scientists constantly working on this code as though it was a multi-million dollar sweepstakes and in a way, it is much more important than any quantifiable sum. [This is a very vivid, fanciful sentence that grabbed my attention. Good job!] Modern day marvels such as Viagra, Botox, and serotonin reuptake inhibitors leave scientists posing the questions,’ will there soon be a major difference between the enhanced human being and the unenhanced human being. Is this a recipe for conflict and disaster or human and race improvements? Primitive forms of enhancement such as steroids came about with minimal changes to the race though major enhancements such as robotic surgery, Nano-technology and stem cell research promise to make much bigger splashes in the pool of humanity. Microchip technology, robots used in manufacturing, military and police organizations continue to perform amazing technological feats. Household chores will become much easier and being able to afford such a domestic privilege in the next ten to twenty years may be something that more and more people attempt. Global computers take advantage of billion-transistor chips and exponential changes have been unprecedented in recent history. The Department of Defense takes advantage of robotic technology, modern medicine and therapy also take advantage of robotic technology, are these magnificent creations soon to be available for every American and at what cost or sacrifice will they bring to the American family as we know it? Mega giants such as NASA continue to develop sustainability technology for the troubled earth but one must wonder whether this technology will develop quickly enough to make a substantia l difference in the environment and the ozone. Space exploration has been placed on hold for the near foreseeable future but NASA still develops technology, much based on what has been discovered in prior space exploration. This paper attempts to examine these questions and explores the possibilities that exist in the world of human enhancements. Methodology A complete literature review will be done on human enhancements as they are now and what is projected in the
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