Sunday, May 24, 2020
Internet Safety Essay - 1812 Words
First of all the term Internet can be defined as the worldwide system of computer networks in which every user of computer can have an access to the information with the permission to the access from other computers. (, 2011) It is a modern tool for communication, exchanging the information, e-mail, pictures, video and music. The creation of the Internet was crucial for human being because it joined all types of telecommunication such as telephone, radio and television into one and also created new types of communication such as online text messages, video chatting and location detection that allows finding the current place of the user. The information on the Internet is added by Internet users†¦show more content†¦Livingstone (2009) claims that according to researches which were held in several countries, the significant number of children had used the Internet. For instance, in the UK 98 per cent of children aged from nine to nine teen had used the Internet. (Livingstone, 2009) In addition to this number Livingstone (2009) points out that 92 per cent of these children had an access to use the Internet at school, 75 per cent at home and 64 per cent anywhere else. As for the Europe countries researches were made with six and ten year olds, that is 77 per cent of Swedish, 88 per cent of Finnish, 57 per cent of Romanian, 56 per cent of German children of that age used the Internet. (Livingstone, 2009) The highest percentage of children using the Internet showed the United States of America as it was conducted in the work of Livingstone (2009) with 99 per cent usage among 12-18 year olds. Moreover 78 per cent of children aged between 2 and 17 years in this country had an opportunity to go online at home and only 13 per cent of young children had an access to the World Wide Web in their bedrooms. (Livingstone, 2009) Moreover the research promoted by London School of Economics (2010) was done with 23000 children in 23 countries during spring and summer school seasons. There was conducted that 12 per cent of children aged between 9-16 years reported that they were confused by the content that they saw on theShow MoreRelatedInternet Safety And The Internet954 Words  | 4 PagesInternet safety has been an extensive issue for children and adolescents since accuse to the Internet has become readily available in homes. With Internet use increasing at such rapid rates and a large proportion of adolescents using the Internet daily, the awareness of Internet safety should be addressed. The term Internet safety can be defined as â€Å"the knowledge of maximizing an individuals safety to private information, and self protection from using the Internet†. The impact and influence thatRead MoreThe Education On Internet Safety1423 Words  | 6 PagesOur kids experience a very particular way to explore our world today, and this comes down to advancements in technology and internet. Many parents would have had an entirely different childhood where discipline was much more strictly used by their own mother and father, something that is very hard to find for today’s parents, Thanks to the unlimited amount of information and a path to a wide field of material that is available at just the click of a mouse or press of a button. Now that we are livingRead MoreTeenagers And Teen Internet Safety774 Words  | 4 Pagesnews daily, monthly and yearly giving you the undoubted impression that the Internet is a haven for cyber bullies, sexual predators, and identity thieves. You are concerned because your teenager is often online and seems oblivious to the dangers. Don t panic. You can teach your teenager Internet safety. First, though, consider some things you should know about life online. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Teens can access the Internet on mobile devices. The rule that the computer should be placed in a commonRead MoreInternet Safety : Being Safe On The Web926 Words  | 4 PagesInternet Safety Being safe on the web should be the number one priority for every internet user. Below are helpful tips which will help make your online interactions a bit safer. Note that the ultimate safety lies in using common sense in your online activities. Email, IM Chat Rooms Safety Tips †¢ Be aware of e-mail scams and emails that might contain viruses or inappropriate content. Simply do not open emails from sources you do not know. Better yet delete such emails. †¢ Instant messaging is theRead More Internet Safety and Young Children Essays732 Words  | 3 Pagesto late. There are programs out there that monitor your child’s activities on the Internet. But where are they, how much do they cost and why aren’t they advertised more? There are a couple precautions that you can take at home, without spending any money, to help safe guard your child. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Children like the Internet. They like the convenience, fun, and activities they can do on the Internet. But how safe are they really? It all depends on you and your child. When a childRead More The Concern of Childrens Safety on the Internet Essay2412 Words  | 10 PagesThe Concern of Childrens Safety on the Internet During the last decade, the number of households using the Internet has increased dramatically. The United States Department of Defense started to use a network similar to todays Internet in the 1960s. Professors in universities all across the country later followed this idea and established their own system. The World Wide Web, the common, everyday section of the Internet, started approximately a decade ago. Surfing the Web has become easierRead MoreHow The Internet Affects The Efficiency And Safety Of Users On Web 2.01901 Words  | 8 PagesUsing the internet has become an everyday task for many people in their day to day lives but they don’t think about the risk that could come with it. When people hear the words youtube, twitter, pinterest or even craigslist they don’t think about the systems running these programs. When individuals use these social media platforms or web based apps on their phones or computers often they’re not thinking about the big pict ure web 2.0 running all these websites and web based applications. IndividualsRead MoreThe Safety Of Adolescents While Using The Internet1635 Words  | 7 PagesThe Internet is quickly and widely diffusing into society as a whole, especially into families, as a result, a large proportion of adolescents have access to and make use of the Internet daily, (where adolescence refers to the teenage years of a person’s life). Statistically speaking, surveys conducted by the YISS (Youth Internet Safety Survey) state that, 95 percent of adolescents studied have used the internet at least once in their lives and 83 percent of the adolescents surveyed have access toRead MoreBig Data And The Internet Of Things1266 Words  | 6 PagesBig data has been around for a long time. With the introduction of the Internet of Things, this technology has caused a rapid evolution for big data. The IoT now contributes the biggest percentage of data for big data applications. As data continues to grow at exponential rates and the Internet of Things become more a part of our everyday world, they both have become intimately interconnected. Wherever there is the IoT, you will find big data, and wherever you find big data you will find the IoTRead MoreSocial Network Has Negative Effects On Children s Lives1814 Words  | 8 PagesSocial Network has Negative Effects on Children’s Lives The Internet is the best way to access an abundance of information as there are more than 800,000,000 million websites in the world. An abundant information that people intend to know can be found on these websites. The Internet has collected everything together without separating content. Adult websites are free and easy to access and some of the adult websites do not require a user to verify age before access. In fact, every year tens of millions
Monday, May 18, 2020
Letter to the Colonists - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 337 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/09/14 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Dear Papa Preston Blake, I write this letter to you to inform you I have left the city without notifying you. I am writing to you from the New World. When I was asked to join this voyage I didn’t hesitate in saying yes. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Letter to the Colonists" essay for you Create order I am writing to you from my house in front of a farm plot of my own. In the past few days we have gotten in some battles with the native people of this strange land. Apart from that, the life I live here is much better than the one you live ‘’papa’’. I don’t have to work my ass off to earn just enough to buy a miserable piece of bread. Here I plant my own food and live of the good land there is. I would encourage you to leave behind that miserable life you have back in the Old World, and catch a boat here to the New World. You will notice a change in your pockets, and most of all, you will be able to breathe with all the space there is over here. Enough talking about how good life is here, now let me tell you about these native Indians. First of all, I have noticed they are getting sick and dying off. I don’t understand why their people are being devastated by these diseases. The diseases have clearly helped us gain more land without having to fight them in long battles. We are trying to teach them about Christianity and religion, though they have their own beliefs. I have also noticed these native people didn’t know about most of the animals we have back home. They also have no clue of what a farm is, so we are going to teach them how to domesticate animals and grow crops in farm plots. Well papa, I’m running out of ink, let me know if you’re coming so I can make arrangements to get you some land to start off with. Sincerely, Oliver.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Prisoner Of War Camps - 837 Words
â€Å"Hello mother, father, this is your Louie talking. This will be the first time in two years that you’ve heard my voice. I am now interned at a Tokyo prisoner of war camp and I’m being treated as well as can be expected under wartime conditions.†As a viewer we can see the look of pure disgust and longing upon Louie’s face. It was evident that he wasn’t eager to read what was prepared for him as it depicted a false perception of what his wartime conditions were truly like. The fact that he had to make it seem like he was well when in fact he was anything but. I am now able to understand that what those in society often herd about their captured soldiers was quite often incorrect. The enemy wanted to portray an image that hid the true conditions and circumstances the American soldiers were subject to. I not only found this film inspiring as it showed the resilience American soldiers had whilst confined in the prisoner of war camps but also found it interesting as it showed the truths of war so vividly in way that could never be achieved through the use of written words. As a result of this film I am able to see how much we owe these men for our freedom, we were never truly able to appreciate the sacrifice made by those men and women until viewing this incredible film. They went through so much to ensure the freedom of many generations to come and if it wasn’t for these men who knows what our lives would be like today. Despite each text being written by different authors andShow MoreRelatedThe Prisoner Of War Camps1929 Words  | 8 PagesStates immediately after the Civil War knew very little of the atrocities of that occurred in the prisoner of war camps. News that their family member was in a prisoner of war camp was usually dreaded by the family of the captured soldiers. While being dead was much worse the families never truly knew what was going on inside the camps. For the Confederacy, many feared Rock Island, but there was a just as deadly camp just north of Rock Island in Chicago. Once the war had ended the atrocities of whatRead MorePow Camps And The Concentration Camps1009 Words  | 5 PagesThacker Pre-AP English II, B8 Mrs. Connor April 17, 2015 Prisoners of Death Bang! Boom! All you can see is darkness, but you hear as if outside. Prisoners of war were captured everywhere during WWII. POW camps had better treatment and were better than than other concentration camps. The conditions of the camps varied from one to another, but from Stalags and Concentration camps, they were close to the same. A large portion of deaths in POW camps were from â€Å"lack of food†(Uhl 1). The recommended dailyRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War1093 Words  | 5 PagesThe Civil War served as yet another reminder that although the US had successfully broken off away England, a long road still remained before total domestic unity. This war was bloody and it divided the nation, towns, and even families. With both sides fighting for their personal ideologies, this was more than a mere territorial war. Many aspects of this war will forever act as a blemish on our nation s history. In this essay, we will explore one aspect; the camps that were used to contain the prisonersRead MoreWorld War 2 : A Global War1579 Words  | 7 PagesWorld War 2 was a global war from 1939 to 1945 between the Allies and the Axis powers. During the war, over 120,000 American prisoners of war were captured by the German forces. World War 2 started through the bomb in Hiroshima on August 6th 1945. Around 8,000 people died because of radioactive from the bomb. The German prison camps were for mostly Jews since Hitler, the Chancellor of Germany, was against the Jewish religion.The internment camps were in very harsh conditions and many prisoners wereRead MoreA Brief Look at World War II1521 Words  | 6 PagesWorld War II World War II was the largest war and the bloodiest war that the U.S. has ever been involved in. Forty to Fifty million people lost their lives during World War II. This was a war that lasted for about six years and involved countries from around the whole world. The axis powers in the war consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan. The Allie powers consisted of the United States, France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and to a lesser extent, China. It is said that unsettled disputes fromRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States Prisons1077 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Brother against brother.†This was the Civil War being summed up in just three words. Mike Wright wrote, â€Å"On both sides of the war, men and women were locked away in dark prisons or held in outdoor camps under blistering sun and freezing snow. They were fed too little and lived and died under primitive conditions.†One would arguably say that the Northern prisons might feel a little more at home than the Southern prisons, but this wasn’t the case at all, the prisons on each side were both poorlyRead MoreShattered: The Effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)1738 Words  | 7 PagesIn regards to the Civil War veterans he saw, Rev. J.L. Burrows once said, It is not in human nature to be contented under physical restraints. This quote perfectly describes the feelings of soldiers taken prisoner during the Civil War. Many of these captives harbored feelings of resentment towards their captors, despite relatively mild prison camp conditions. However, these feelings of resentment soon turned to animosity as conditions went from mildly inconvenient to hellish nightmares. This willRead MoreEssay on Nazi Concentration Camps680 Words  | 3 Pagesworld’s worst genocides; concentration camps were the worst place to be if you were a captive. Adolf Hitler, a Nazi, convinced many that certain groups of people needed to be exterminated. He started concentration cam ps to terrorize his enemies. The first concentration camps started in 1933, six years before World War Two began. There were several concentration camps. These concentration camps consisted of European Jews, P.O.W.’s (Prisoners of War), political prisoners, criminals, homosexuals, and gypsiesRead MorePrisoners of War805 Words  | 4 PagesNo one goes to war thinking they will be the one captured and tortured by the enemy. As Canadian troops sailed to Europe to join in the fighting of World War Two, they more likely had nightmares about dying tragically, or suffering for days. No one really worried about being captured because war was associated with fighting, guns, winning and losing. A rude awakening came to those captured and taken to the many different concentration camps. Canadian POWs endured very unfortunate experiences inRead MoreThe Second World War Cost Germany1310 Words  | 6 PagesAltabef Money, Markets and Magic 3/17/15 The Second World War cost Germany approximately 270 billion dollars. Hitler understood that the German government should be prepared for a 10 to 15 year war. As he wished massive building projects to coincide with victory, this proved to be an unrealistic task (Overy). To combat growing industry several million prisoners of war were deported into the Reich (Spoerer). In order to sustain the German war economy, the armament industry was privatized. This privatization
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hiv / Aids Hiv And Aids - 892 Words
Since the nineteen hundreds, Africa coped with countless problems related to HIV and AIDS. Anthropologists, scientists, doctors, and psychologists discussed theories related to the issues presented by HIV/AIDS. Researchers study the effects of poverty, polygamy, geography, and social relationships on HIV/AIDS. One of the prevalent theories on how the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) spread is through the increase of sex workers in Africa. An increase in sex work correlates to an increase in poverty. Due to the economy and culture, women turned to sex working as a way of acquiring income. In order to reduce HIV contraction among sex workers and their clients, a change in intervention methods and legislation is needed to protect the rights of those in poverty and stop the spread of HIV/AIDS. HIV is a virus that affects the immune system by destroying the white blood cells. After living with HIV and not treating it, it can completely ruin the immune systems and then becomes Acquired I mmunodeficiency Syndrome. The virus is spread through the contact of bodily fluids, which means it can be contract in a variety of different ways. Some of the most common ways are sexual contact, sharing needles, or blood transfusions. This virus carries a heavy burden in Africa because it â€Å"originated in central Africa†(Pepin, 6). Also, due to the culture and beliefs of the African people, HIV/AIDS spread rapidly in Africa. There were a plethora of contributions to the AIDS epidemic, sexShow MoreRelatedHiv / Aids And Aids1472 Words  | 6 PagesHIV/AIDS is the major ongoing issue attacking sub-Saharan Africa. The damage caused by HIV/AIDS strips families, communities, and increases poverty. In Kenya, the plague has mainly targeted those in the fertile and reproductive age groups. According to estimates by the United Nations of AIDS (UNAIDS), â€Å"Indication of 22.5 million people were living with HIV in Africa, over 1.6 million people were estimated to have died fr om this syndrome, and well over 11 million children have been orphaned by AIDSRead MoreAids : Hiv / Aids Essay1330 Words  | 6 PagesLauren Kennedy United States HIV/AIDS Part 1: Background of Topic: What became later known as aids was detected in West Africa when scientists identified a species of chimpanzees that had a version of this virus in their immune system. They later found out that the disease was transmitted to humans and created into HIV when people hunted these animals for food and came in contact with their infected blood. Decade after decade this illness swooped over Africa like a blanket and began to spread toRead MoreHiv/Aids Essay1086 Words  | 5 PagesHIV/AIDS BSHS302 May 21, 2012 Faye Flanagan HIV/AIDS Social issues facing HIV/AIDS today are as diverse as the people that are affected by the disease. Advocating for a large group of people takes action at the macro human service practice. The goals and intervention strategies will be similar to micro human service and will involve the same strategies to bring justice to human rights for all members of society. One strategy is including a broader range of other diversity in research inRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Hiv And Aids1535 Words  | 7 Pagespopulation include providing access to health care, HIV testing and syringe services programs. The Office of HIV Planning in Philadelphia focuses on the needs of the population, conducts community outreaches and educational sessions. As previously stated, 32 state Medicaid programs reimburse for routine HIV screening of adults aged 15-65 years, regardless of risk. This policy allows for individuals to more likely participate in this screening process. HIV testing can be done through health care professionalsRead MoreThe Effects of Hiv/Aids2132 Words  | 9 Pages | QUESTION: Discuss the impact of HIV/AIDS on education. CONTENTS 1.) Introduction. 2.) Discussion. i.) loss of professionals to the effects of HIV and AIDS ii) Funds channeled to combat effects of HIV and AIDS on education in Kenya iii) High dropout rates to the effects of HIV and AIDS on education iv) The introduction of HIV and AIDS as a unit on the Kenyan syllabus v)  Stigmatizations caused by the effects of HIV and AIDS on education in Kenya 3.) Conclusion Read MorePrevalence Of Hiv / Aids1525 Words  | 7 PagesPrevalence of HIV/AIDS in Ohio It was already stated that the HIV/AIDS epidemic impacts persons regardless of sex, age, race/ethnic group and/or geographic region in Ohio, but certain populations seem to be more impacted than others. There are 11, 544,225 people living in Ohio. 80% are white, 12% are black, 3% are Hispanic, and less than 2% are Asian. Each year in Ohio, about 1,000 people are diagnosed with HIV. In 2013, 1,180 people were diagnosed. Overall, there are almost 20,000 known to be livingRead MoreHiv/Aids in Nigeria6960 Words  | 28 PagesLITERATURE 2.0 INTRODUCTION HIV/AIDs has been ranked among the common disease of all times that is threatening us with the extinction of youths and adults. It is not only terrorizing the entire generation but also kills and leaves millions of orphans for the oldest grandparent to carter for. 2.1 HIV/AIDS IN NIGERIA According to USAID brief (2004), Nigerian epidemic is characterized by one of the most rapidly increasing rates of new HIV/AIDS cases in West Africa. Adult HIV prevalence increased fromRead More AIDS/HIV Essay2283 Words  | 10 PagesHuman Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing contaminated needles and syringes, mother to child (perinatal) and contaminated blood product (National Association of Health Authorities, 1988). 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH Late HIV diagnosis remains a major problem among black Africans in England. In 2007, about 42 per cent of black Africans diagnosed with HIV were diagnosed late (HPA, 2008a). This compromises their survival chances becauseRead MoreStigma of Hiv/Aids1812 Words  | 8 PagesStigma of HIV/AIDS It goes without saying that HIV and AIDS are as much about social phenomena as they are about biological and medical concerns. From the moment scientists identified HIV and AIDS, social responses of fear, denial, stigma, and discrimination have accompanied the epidemic. Discrimination has spread rapidly, fuelling anxiety and prejudice against the groups most commonly affected, as well as those living with HIV or AIDS. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of educationRead MoreAids : Hiv And The Pursuit Of Happiness1366 Words  | 6 PagesThe AIDS epidemic has been a controversial debate for many years. As Sturken says in her text, there is discourse on AIDS of hysteria and blame, but AIDS also produces a discourse of defiance and criticism (Sturken 147). Using Sturken’s article AIDS and The Politics of Representation and the film Living Proof: HIV and the Pursuit of Happiness I will discuss the two different discourses and views of AIDS. These simultaneous discourse s on AIDS, result from the variation of ways people in our society
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Black Hole Essay Research Paper Black holeAn free essay sample
Black Hole Essay, Research Paper Black hole An image of the nucleus of the Whirlpool galaxy M51 taken by the Wide Field Planetary Camera onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. It shows an huge ring of dust and gas which is thought to environ and conceal a elephantine black hole, 1 million times the mass of the Sun, in the centre of the galaxy. The ring forms an accumulation phonograph record of gas, about 100 light old ages across, falling toward the black hole. The two brighter countries perpendicular to the widest dark lane are two jets of atoms accelerated by the black hole. Anyone who has of all time watched the launch of a projectile is familiar with the construct that escape from a gravitative field requires the outgo of energy. The stronger the gravitative field, more energy is required to get away from its clasps. If the projectile has deficient fuel, it will return to Earth and flight is impossible. We will write a custom essay sample on Black Hole Essay Research Paper Black holeAn or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore, it is non difficult to conceive of a gravitative field strong plenty to forestall the flight of any object with a finite sum of energy. The gravitative force of an object is governed by a combination of the sum of affair it contains and its volume. The more the affair is confined in increasingly smaller volume, the larger the gravitative field at the surface of the object. Since even a light beam has a finite sum of energy, one can conceive of a monolithic object in a sufficiently little volume that would posses a gravitative field strong plenty to forestall the flight of that visible radiation. The Gallic mathematician Simon Laplace reasoned in 1795 that, if Newton # 8217 ; s corpuscular theory of visible radiation were right, there could be monolithic object from which visible radiation could non get away. Indeed, any theory of gravitation should incorporate the impression of such an object. In the instance of Einstein # 8217 ; s theory of General Relativity, we call such an object a black hole. However, in the instance of general relativity, the way taken by a light beam defines the geometry of space-time for it represents the # 8220 ; shortest distance between two points. # 8221 ; Such a way is called a geodistic. Therefore, for a black hole in general relativity, a light beam arising on the surface that can non get away truly travels nowhere. In some sense, all # 8220 ; surface # 8221 ; points can be viewed as the same point and the object can be said to hold been sealed off from the ordinary infinite and clip of outside perceivers. The point from which visible radiation can no longer flight is known as the event skyline since cognition of events beyond that point can neer be transmitted to the outside universe by a light beam or any other mechanism. The event skyline imposes a signifier of censoring on the make-up of a black hole. Indeed, the lone facets of a black hole that may be ascertained from outside are its mass, net charge, and rate of spin. No internal proce sses that depend on clip in any manner can be detected in the external environment, for that would represent directing signals from inside the black hole to the exterior when non even light can get away. This # 8220 ; censoring # 8221 ; is what is responsible for the little figure of mensurable belongingss of the black hole itself-mass, spin, and charge. While there are complications in specifying the size of a black hole, one can unambiguously stipulate its perimeter and therefore specify a radius as merely the perimeter divided by 2. This radius is known as the Schwarzschild radius after Karl Schwarzschild, who foremost defined it as R s=2GM/c 2. Here M is the mass of the black hole, G is the Newtonian invariable of gravitation, and degree Celsius is the velocity of visible radiation. However, R s should non be viewed as the distance from the event skyline of the black hole to its centre. The geometry of space-time in the inside of the black hole is so warped that Euclidian impressions of distance no longer use. Nevertheless, R s does supply a step of the infinite around a peculiar mass M that will be earnestly warped. R s for an object holding the mass of the Sun is about 3 kilometers. Therefore, to turn the Sun into a black hole, one would hold to jam all of its mass into a sphere holding about a 3 kilometer radius. Squashing any such mass into a volume dictated by its Schwarzschild radius posses a serious assembly job. In fact, about the lone procedures which might take to the formation of a black hole involve the decease of reasonably monolithic normal stars or the formation of supermassive stars. As germinating stars exhaust the atomic fuel which enables them to back up their ain weight and radiance at the same clip, they begin a rapid prostration. It is believed that the oppressing self-gravity of the fall ining star may be sufficient to organize a black hole with the mass of several times that of the Sun. Such black holes would hold Schwarzschild radii of several to possibly a few 10s of kilometres. Sing their mass, they are truly bantam things. If one were to replace the Sun with a black hole of the same mass as the Sun, there would be a part of infinite a few kilometres in size located where the centre of the Sun presently resides where infinite would be highly warped. However, the gravitative field of this object, measured at the distance of the Earth, would be precisely that of the contemporary Sun. The Earth and planets would go on in their orbits and except for it being instead dark, the solar system would go on much as it does today. If one were to establish a projec tile from the Earth to hit the black hole, the undertaking would be im mensely more hard than hitting the Sun. The Sun presents a mark about one and a half million kilometres across while the black hole would be more than one hundred 1000 times smaller. This emphasizes merely how hard it is to feed affair into a black hole. Normally, one must acquire within a few Schwarzschild radii in order to experience the major effects of the black hole. Indeed, one of the experimental trials for the presence of a black hole in binary systems involves detecting heated affair as it is mercilessly squeezed during its concluding dip into the black hole. Such affair will breathe fluctuating sums of x beams as a consequence of being squeezed. The rate of fluctuation is tied to the size of the breathing part and we find in such systems that the x rays come from a volume of infinite merely a few kilometres in size. These are the dimensions of the environment environing a black hole of leading proportions. In several cases, farther analysis of the orbital gesture in the binary system indicates that the dark unobserved member of the binary system is much more monolithic than the Sun. A dark leading constituent more monolithic than the Sun confined to a volume smaller than a few kilometres is a premier campaigner for a black hole. There is at least one other state of affairs where uranologists suspect the being of a black hole. Again, since it does non radiate visible radiation, we must observe it through the consequence its gravitative field has on neighbouring objects. In the centres of some galaxies the stars, gas and dust of the galaxy are traveling at really high velocities, proposing they are being pulled about by the gravitation of some really monolithic object. If the object was a aggregation of monolithic stars, it would reflect so brilliantly as to rule the visible radiation from the galactic centre. The absence of visible radiation from the monolithic object suggests it is a black hole. In one active galaxy, the Hubble Space Telescope has even observed discs of affair that appear be accreting onto a cardinal monolithic dark object which is likely to be a black hole. Recently a big squad of uranologists reported the consequences of a worldwide survey affecting the Hubble Space Telescope, the Internat ional Ultraviolet Explorer satelites and many land based telescopes which were able to observe visible radiation which was emitted by the accreting affair as it spirals into the black hole which was later absorbed and re-emitted by the revolving clouds merely a few light-days off from the cardinal beginning. Mass estimations of the cardinal beginning determined from the gesture of these clouds suggests that the object has a mass of at least several million times the mass of the Sun. So much stuff contained in a volume of infinite no larger than a few light yearss provides the best grounds yet for the being of a black hole at the centre of this galaxy. The construct of monolithic black holes at the centres of some galaxys is supported by theoretical probes of the formation of really monolithic stars. Stars of more than about one hundred times the mass of the Sun can non organize because they will detonate from atomic energy released during their contraction before the star can shrivel far plenty for its self-gravity to keep it together. However, if cloud of interstellar stuff fall ining to organize a star contains about a million clip the mass of the Sun, the prostration will happen so fast that the atomic procedures initiated by the prostration will non halt the prostration and interrupt the star. The prostration will continuum unrestrained until the object formed is a black hole with a mass a million times the mass of the Sun or more. Such objects appear to be required to understand the behaviour of the stuff in the centre of some galaxys. Indeed, it seems likely that black holes may shack at the centres of normal galaxies such as our ain Milky Way. Again, the best grounds comes from the gesture of gas clouds near the galactic centre. However, the presence of a black hole at the centre of our ain galaxy is farther supported by the observation of certain energetic gamma beams emanating from the galactic centre. The beginning of these beams requires an highly energetic environment such as is found in the immediate vicinity of a black hole. All that has been said so far involves black holes as described by the general theory of relativity. However, in the kingdom of the really little, quantum mechanics has proved to be the proper theory to depict the physical universe. To day of the month, no 1 has successfully combined general relativity with quantum mechanics to bring forth a to the full self consistent theory of quantum gravitation. However, in 1974 person suggested that an application of quantum rules to a black hole showed that it would radiate energy like a perfect radiator holding a temperture reciprocally relative to its mass. While the sum of radiation for any astrophysical black hole is pitiably little, the possibility of it go oning at all was radical. It suggested the first nexus between quantum theory and general relativity and has spawned a host of new thoughts which expand the relationship between the two theories. It represents a classical illustration of a construct which may hold small if any direct pr actical application, but revolutionizes the manner in which we view the physical universe. Binary System Any system of two stellar-like objects which orbit one another under the influence of their combined gravitation.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ethics and Sustainability in Business-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Analyse the Concept and theories of Corporate Social Responsibility and how it relates to Ethical Business Practices. Answer: Introduction The conflict diamonds, which are popularly also known as blood diamonds are used mostly by the rebel activists so that it can fund the civil wars that are currently taking, place in large parts of Africa. The rise in the funding have resulted in the displacement and death of millions of people, as terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda finances most of the activities and indulge in money-laundering purposes (Smillie 2016). Figure 1: Conflict Diamonds (Source: Jakobi 2013) In the recent times, the practice is still going strong due to major conflicts that are still raging on some parts of the African continent. Parts like Ivory Coast, which is still under the rebels, are being mined for the diamonds so that it can be smuggled in the neighboring countries to be provided in the international markets. The Kimberley Process that was set up by the United Nations (UN) tries in stopping the trade by the illegal smuggling of these diamonds have increased and gained its access in Ghana from where it is sold in the international market (Jakobi 2013). Impact on stakeholders The stakeholders are the groups or the organizations that influences in an indirect or direct manner in the activities of the company. The conflict diamonds consist of variety of stakeholders and have a huge impact on the sale of the product. Multi-stakeholder policy (Kimberley Process) I am of the opinion that the Kimberley Process that was started to stop the trading process of the conflict diamonds was a huge failure by the United Nations. The process consist of various companies and 74 governments in Africa who have collaborated together in stopping the annihilation of the local people due to the illegal mining activities of diamonds (Cullen 2013). The research that I carried out emphasized that government soldiers in 2008 had to be deployed in the Marange diamond field so that the new order can be imposed, which will stop the merciless killing but in reality it was seen than more than 200 deaths took place along with torture and beating. From the De Beers controversy, I have come to the opinion that the process was to stop the problem by setting better standards, monitoring the process and verifying the exports that were being made but none of these activities were done, which led to the failure of it. Microsoft and Google had joined hands in developing a Globa l Network Initiative (GNI), which was done so that the freedom of expression along with the privacy of the internet can be protected (Davidson 2016). Figure 2: Kimberley Process (Source: Cullen 2013) Companies The research carried out by me showed that many of the international brands along with the US jewellery companies are dealing with conflict diamonds that has been triggering the violence and the civil wars in the African continent. International brands such as Cartier, Harry Winston and Bulgari could not provide a positive response in the Global Witness conference, which provided a proper hint that they were indulging in purchasing these diamonds. The jewellery chains such as Littman Jewelers, Bloomingdales and Saks Fifth Avenue also could not make the cut (Williams 2016). Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) The Kimberley process was done with the help of many NGOs so that it can help in looking after the impoverished population that was forced to work in the coal fields to exploit diamonds. On reviewing the report published by Amnesty International, I found that the yearly trade of diamonds is around $7 billion on a global scale and it constitutes of the conflict diamonds as well. To put an end to this, the NGOs launched campaign in the Sierra Leone region where the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) were amputating body parts of the victims, which constituted of children as well (Berman et al. 2017). Figure 3: Brutality towards local communities (Source: Williams 2016) Main issues The major issue that is present with conflict diamonds is that it is violating the human rights based on which the work has to be done. The rise in the funding has led to the serious civil wars in the African continent despite the active participation from the media. I feel that the rise in the conflict zones in Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone is due to the fact that the rebels want to gain control over the natural resources that consists of minerals, wood and oil (Bieri 2016). Figure 4: Mass killings by RUF in Sierra Leone (Source: Bieri 2016) The people who are mining in those areas are given unfair wages that is less that a dollar per day. They are not provided any training and are deprived from the important tools as well. Apart from these things, they are kept in unhygienic conditions, which give rise to vector-borne diseases such as malaria as well as HIV. Most of the mining communities are exploited through the mining practices, which gives rise to the lack in fundamental provisions such as clean drinking water among the people and other proper sanitation networks (Lorenz-Carl and Rempe 2016). Legislation These are the set of rules that are laid down so that it can help in reducing the level of atrocities that are met out to the people by placing a governing body along with policies and procedures. Diamond Tagging In my opinion, the use of laser and ion beam technology will help in inscribing the information on the diamonds by applying bar codes that are microscopic in nature. This will help in tracking and registering of the stones so that the country of origin can be identified. The laser technology is used only for cutting the diamonds whereas I think this can help in bringing revolutionary changes in the world of diamonds (Williams 2016). Recommendations I recommend that the use of conflict diamonds has to be stopped so that it can reduce the negative impacts that are taking place on the numerous people by the rebels. The funding that is reaching these organizations are exhibiting the purpose of money-laundering, which has given more power to the rebels in exploiting the human resources that is present in those areas. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that the strong motive of the government may lead to the fall of these rebels who are creating nuisance in the African continent. The NGOs have to work in collaboration with the government so that proper steps can be taken in curbing down the industries that are dealing with these types of diamonds along with the laser tagging of the products, which needs to be mandatory for the mining companies. Reference List Berman, N., Couttenier, M., Rohner, D. and Thoenig, M., 2017. This mine is mine! How minerals fuel conflicts in Africa.American Economic Review,107(6), pp.1564-1610. Bieri, F., 2016.From blood diamonds to the Kimberley Process: How NGOs cleaned up the global diamond industry. Routledge. Cullen, H., 2013. Is there a future for the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme for conflict diamonds.Macquarie LJ,12, p.61. Davidson, N., 2016. The lion that didnt roar: can the Kimberley Process stop the blood diamonds trade?. Jakobi, A.P., 2013. Governing war economies: Conflict diamonds and the Kimberley Process. InThe Transnational Governance of Violence and Crime(pp. 84-105). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Lorenz-Carl, U. and Rempe, M., 2016.Mapping agency: comparing regionalisms in Africa. Routledge. Smillie, I., 2016. Blood diamonds: Canada, Africa and some object lessons in global governance.CanadaAfrica Relations: Looking Back, Looking Ahead. Williams, P.D., 2016.War and conflict in Africa. John Wiley Sons.
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